Iranians and MEK Supporters Rally Against Zarif’s Presence at the Munich Security Conference

Rally Against Zarif’s Presence at the Munich Security Conference
Rally Against Zarif’s Presence at the Munich Security Conference

Members of the Iranian diaspora, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), on February 14, held a rally against the presence of Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian regime’s foreign minister, at the annual Munich Security Conference.

During this rally which was simultaneous with the Munich Security Conference, MEK and NCRI supporters and freedom-loving Iranians marched throughout Munich and condemned the presence of Zarif, the representative of a religious dictatorship ruling Iran. They said Zarif should be thrown out of this conference.

The demonstrators emphasized that Zarif had been involved in all terrorist and criminal decisions by the regime’s Supreme National Security Council, including terrorist attacks in Europe. Zarif has used his ministry’s facilities and embassies to provide diplomatic cover for the regime’s terrorists.

The MEK and NCRI supporters recalled the regime’s foiled attempt of bombing the NCRI’s annual “Free Iran” gathering in June 2018 in Paris. This plot was commanded by a so-called “diplomat” Assadolah Assadi, who personally delivered the explosive to the terrorists.

Zarif was in full coordination with the regime’s eliminated terror master, Qassem Soleimani, the former head of the regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force.

In an interview with Iran’s state-run Entekhab daily on September 1, 2019, Zarif specifically boasted about having “the greatest coordination with commander Soleimani” and how the two “decided to make sure we meet at least once a week.”

In another interview with a state-run daily on September 1, 2019, Zarif said: “General Soleimani and I have been working together closely for over 20 years… During the U.S. attack on Iraq, as Iran’s representative in New York, I … had the greatest coordination with General Soleimani. Subsequently, when I became minister, the two of us decided to make sure we meet at least once a week to review the latest developments and undertake the necessary coordination.”

According to the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Manar TV network, Zarif pledged to continue support for Hezbollah, although the Iranian regime itself anticipated 70 percent of the Iranian people sliding under the poverty line by the end of 2019. Reports indicate Zarif’s Foreign Ministry has provided $100 million to Hezbollah.

In addition to his direct involvement in the regime’s terrorism, Zarif has been using his diplomatic position to whitewash the regime’s crimes and terrorism. After the nationwide protests in November, during which the regime killed over 1500 protesters, Zarif was among the first regime officials who tried to minimize the scale of this crime against humanity.

The MEK and NCRI supporters urged European countries to blacklist the IRGC and the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) in their entirety as terrorist entities.

Participants in the demonstration stressed that the Munich Security Conference is not a place for terrorists like Zarif, therefore he should be expelled. They also highlighted that for as long as the Iranian regime is in power, there will be no peace and security in the Middle East. The MEK and NCRI supporters called for the recognition of the Iranian people’s right to resist and their desire to overthrow the mullahs’ religious tyranny.

International media outlets such as Reuters and AFP gave coverage to this rally.


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