Iranian workers in Qom denounce 1988 massacre in Iran


NCRI – A group of Iranian workers from the Iranian city of Qom, south of Tehran, have issued a statement of solidarity with the “No to Execution!” campaign sponsored by the Iranian Resistance.

The workers in Qom denounced the rising levels of executions in Iran and called on the United Nations and the International Criminal Court to hold the Iranian regime accountable for its many crimes, including the 1988 massacre of more than 30,000 political prisoners, who were primarily activists of the main Iranian opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK).

Their statement said that in 1988, “in fear of losing his office,” Khomeini led an “unprecedented genocide” of Iranian political opponents – one that had not been seen in the modern history of Iran.

It goes on to describe that no one has ever been brought to justice over the massacre of the PMOI (MEK) activists.

The workers wrote: “The families of those executed are awaiting the trial of the killers who executed their innocent children. It is not tolerable for the people of Iran to see those perpetrators of such terrible crime [able] to live their disgraceful lives.”

An audio recording by Khomeini’s former heir-apparent, Hossein-Ali Montazeri, confirming that the Iranian regime was responsible for the massacre has recently been published.

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