Iranian woman sentenced to death for participating in peaceful anti-regime rallies

NCRI – One of the political prisoners arrested during the Ashura day protests on December 27, 2009 in Iran has been sentenced to the inhumane punishment by hanging. Political prisoner Farah (Elmira) Vazehan has also been sentenced to two years in prison and payment of monetary fines.

Ms. Vazehan’s family and her lawyer have reportedly protested the ruling. According to reports, Ms. Vazehan is currently held at the notorious Evin prison’s Women’s Ward, and was sentenced to be hanged after almost 8 months of detention.

The Iranian regime’s interrogators have charged the female political prisoner with producing pictures and videos of unprecedented popular protests and having contacts with the main opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

Ms. Vazehan’s uncle was executed during the 1980s by the clerical regime. Some of her family members, including her sister, were subjected to imprisonment and psychological and physical tortures during the 1980s as well.

Massive and unprecedented anti-regime protests were triggered in June 2009, which shook the Iranian theocracy and brought its weaknesses to light both for the Iranian people and the international community. The clerical regime responded to the rallies by unleashing a brutal suppressive campaign, including widespread arbitrary arrests, imprisonment, torture and execution.

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