Iranian Resistance Meeting in Paris Featuring Prominent Politicians Discuss Regime’s Plots

ncri meeting alejo vidal march 1, 2024

On Friday, March 1, 2024, a conference entitled “Resisting Tyranny, an Oppressive Judiciary, Combating State Terrorism” convened, featuring Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and several European and American political figures.

Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, President of the International Committee in Search of Justice and former Vice-President of the European Parliament, made his first public appearance at an NCRI event since surviving an assassination attempt orchestrated by the Iranian regime in November 2023.

Other distinguished guests and speakers were Peter Altmaier, former Minister of Economy and former member of the German Federal Parliament; Louis Freeh, former Director of the FBI; Ambassador Robert Joseph, former Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security; Stanislav Pavlovschi, former Minister of Justice of Moldova and former Judge at the European Court of Human Rights; Struan Stevenson, former MEP and President of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Iraq and co-founder of the International Committee In Search of Justice; Paulo Casaca, former Member of the European Parliament from Portugal; and Jean-François Legaret, Mayor of the 1st District of Paris.

Condemning the trial in absentia of over 100 Iranian Resistance members by the clerical regime, Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that the trial, which violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international judicial standards, is a politically motivated conspiracy aimed at justifying terrorist actions in Europe and imposing restrictions on the Iranian Resistance, particularly targeting the People’s Mojahedin Organization (PMOI/MEK) members at Ashraf-3 in Albania. She highlighted the trial as a clear escalation of internal repression and terrorist aggression against the Iranian Resistance.

She stressed that the regime’s Judiciary lacks legitimate jurisdiction and operates against the basic principles of the Independence of the Judiciary adopted by the UN General Assembly. Mrs. Rajavi pointed out the inherent injustice and invalidity of all verdicts rendered by this corrupt apparatus over the past 45 years.

Mrs. Rajavi called attention to the fact that all participants in the trial are complicit with the regime’s machinery of torture and execution, including judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and witnesses. She highlighted the past involvement of the designated judge in the execution of innocent prisoners, illustrating the sham nature of the trial.

The NCRI President-elect asserted that the regime’s trial of over 100 Iranian Resistance members is a desperate ploy amid the uprising of the Iranian people. She outlined the regime’s objectives: to intimidate support for the PMOI in Iran, pave the way for terrorist attacks in Europe, pressure Albania to restrict PMOI members’ rights, and counter growing international recognition of the Iranian people’s struggle. She cited past terrorist acts by the regime and highlighted the regime’s attempts to legitimize its terrorism through the trial. She emphasized the presence of Professor Vidal-Quadras, a living testament to the regime’s terrorism, at the conference.

Reflecting on the aftermath of a terrorist attack he endured on November 9, 2023, Dr. Alejo Vidal Quadras expressed his gratitude for the overwhelming support. He defiantly declared the failure of the regime’s attempt to eliminate him and instill fear among supporters of the Iranian Resistance and Mrs. Rajavi. He emphasized that not only had he survived, but that he had strengthened his dedication to the cause.

Directing his message to the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, he vowed to intensify his collaboration with the Iranian Resistance despite threats against his life. Reflecting on a recent interview with a French journalist, he highlighted the discrepancy between NCRI’s overwhelming support from elected officials and the reluctance of governments to confront the Iranian regime.

Dr. Vidal Quadras outlined four tactics employed by the regime to intimidate Western democracies, including organizing terrorist attacks globally, taking hostages, leveraging the nuclear deal, and exploiting the economic interests of European companies.

The former European Parliament VP said, “There is permanent will of all these [evil] countries to destroy the western civilization. And Iran is a key element of this offensive. And we must make governments and people understand if there is regime change in Iran, led by the NCRI and Mrs. Rajavi, to a true democracy, the entire geopolitical landscape would change dramatically and would change in the good direction.”

Struan Stevenson emphasized the urgent need to address the Iranian regime’s oppressive actions and regional destabilization efforts. He highlighted the regime’s history of violence, including sponsoring terrorism and engaging in brutal human rights abuses. Stevenson called for international recognition of the Iranian people’s right to resist the regime and urged Western nations to cease appeasement policies.

Mr. Stevenson said, “Repeated nationwide uprisings in Iran were marked by protesters demanding the overthrow of the regime with cries of death to the oppressor, be it the Sheikh or the Shah, indicating that they want democracy, not autocratic tyranny.”

“The mullahs now fear… and that’s why the mullahs now fear and loathe the MEK, who they see as the only viable and organized entity with the ability to topple their regime and to restore peace, justice, freedom, and democracy to the beleaguered Iranian people. Not content with having killed over 100,000 members and supporters of the MEK inside Iran, they’ve organized assassinations and bomb, arson, and cyber warfare attacks on NCRI rallies and even on NCRI offices abroad.

“Now, in a last desperate bid, they have launched a bogus trial in absentia of 104 exiled members of the MEK in Tehran to lay the groundwork for more terrorism and in the hope that their sham convictions will convince Western democracies to place restrictions on the principal opposition.

“Clearly, their aim is to sentence them all to death in order that this bogus extravaganza may somehow justify their subsequent murder. Indeed, it’s because of the success of the MEK in building formidable international and domestic support that the mullahs are now trembling in fear.”

Mr. Peter Altmaier expressed his solidarity with the Iranian people and their struggle for freedom and democracy.

Calling out Tehran for the pursuit of nuclear weapons, he said, “The regime is desperately trying to develop the nuclear bomb because they believe that will save the regime for an endless future. It is a terrific weapon, but it is nothing compared to the Ten-Points Plan for freedom and democracy.”

Mr. Altmaier condemned the Iranian regime’s role in global oppression and terrorism, stressing, “When you look around in the region, in the Middle East, and in Europe, where terrorist attacks are committed and people are threatened, all over the world, whenever something happens like this, the Iranian regime has never been part of the solution, but always been part of the problem.”

The former German Minister called for international unity in supporting the Iranian people’s quest for freedom and democracy, praising their resilience and sacrifice. Mr. Altmaier urged for a collective effort to expose the regime’s atrocities and honor the victims, emphasizing the need to stand against oppressive regimes worldwide.

Citing the regime’s sham trial for the NCRI members, he said, “If they [the mullahs] pretend that they are organizing a trial, it will not be a legal trial as it is across the world according to the rules, it will be a fake trial. And the fact that they are doing this demonstrates that they are afraid of losing their grip on power. And therefore, you have to be prepared.

“And I firmly and deeply believe, Mrs. President Rajavi, your Ten-Points Plan, which I called last year a universal declaration of human rights, your Ten-Points Plan if made known to a larger public, can become a document, a document not only for the Iranian people but for all people suffering from oppression worldwide.”

During his speech, Mr. Louis Freeh commended Alejo Vidal-Quadras for his courage in the face of adversity, highlighting the recent assassination attempt against him. Drawing parallels to historic acts of resistance, Director Freeh emphasized the importance of upholding the rule of law and supporting those fighting tyranny.

Director Freeh said, “We know that the Iranian regime, together with some other governments, has listed or tried to get Interpol to put red notices on many of our friends, many of our colleagues, some in Ashraf 3 and some other places. Interpol has resisted this to a large degree. They have a central committee that reviews these political charges or political allocations, as they call them, and luckily, to date, we have been able to make sure that Interpol has enforced its own code and its own conduct. But the rule of law means nothing to this regime in Tehran.

“The sham trial is a highlight of it. You would think most people involved in that process, whether they were pretending to be a judge or a prosecutor or a lawyer, would be embarrassed and humiliated just going through this ridiculous ritual of having a trial, which is totally a sham, kangaroo court.”

Freeh concluded by invoking the principles of liberty and the pursuit of happiness, asserting that the Persian Spring of resistance will ultimately prevail against oppression.

In his remarks, Ambassador Robert Joseph highlighted the regime’s history of terrorism, regional aggression, and human rights abuses. He emphasized that Western nations’ policies have inadvertently propped up the regime, providing resources for terrorism and nuclear pursuits.

Citing the regime’s complicated deceit tactics, Ambassador Joseph said, “I think it’s also the now-revealed Iranian-sponsored disinformation campaign that has been effective in shaping, in the most perverse way, the views of many so-called experts in Western think tanks and in academia.

“How else can you explain their public attack on the democratic opposition and their support for a regime that has murdered tens of thousands of its own citizens? I say shame on these useful idiots, for blood is on their hands as well.

The former Undersecretary added, “It’s important to ask why so many governments have, through their policy, chosen the regime over the opposition, the real opposition, the democratic opposition, not the remnants of the Shah’s dictatorship, now symbolized by a pampered son with a vacuous message that envisions working with elements of the IRGC to effect change in Iran. It’s a concept that belies incredulity because the revolutionary guards embody the very evilness that is this regime. In contrast, the real opposition comprised of those brave women and men who have and continue to make incredible sacrifices for a free, democratic, secular, and non-nuclear Iran.

“These and other goals, as others have said, are best conveyed in the Ten-Point Plan of Mrs. Rajavi and the NCRI, a plan endorsed by hundreds of government leaders around the world, including in my country.”

In his remarks, Mr. Stanislav Pavlovschi emphasized that Iran fails to guarantee basic human rights and freedoms to its citizens. He criticized the regime’s legal system for being utilized to bolster the authoritarian regime and suppress opposition voices, leading to widespread violations of human rights.

Pavlovschi cited various international reports outlining significant shortcomings in Iran, including arbitrary killings, torture, arbitrary arrests, and severe restrictions on freedoms of expression, assembly, and religion. He condemned the pervasive impunity within the Iranian government and security forces for human rights abuses.

The former Moldovan Minister of Justice said, “The trial of more than 100 leaders and the active members of the Iranian opposition, PMOI, initiated by the Iranian regime in July last year, raises serious concerns. Several features of this trial are contrary to the basic principles of a fair trial.”

“First of all, it should be noted that the trial is taking place in absentia, that is, without the accused. Let me tell you that such trials, according to the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, are considered a form of flagrant denial of justice and are unacceptable in the civilized world.

“Secondly, the judge here in the case lacks the necessary independence and impartiality which turns the whole process into a farce, the purpose of which is, in my opinion, to destroy the opposition. By this same trial, the Iranian totalitarian regime has created appearances that they are planning a killing of leaders and active participants of Iranian democratic opposition under the color of law. I hope the civilized world’s democratic states will not allow this to happen.

“And last but not least, the accused now live in European states that are members of the European Convention on Human Rights. According to the case law of the Strasbourg Court, the extradition of a person to a country where torture, mutilation, or the death penalty is practiced may lead to a violation of the right to life and the prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment and is accordingly not permitted. I hope that European countries will respect their obligations under the European Convention.”

In conclusion, Mr. Pavlovschi urged the Iranian people to strive for a democratic state that respects human rights and the rule of law, emphasizing the importance of international support in achieving this goal.

Mr. Paolo Casaca hailed Dr. Vidal Quadras’ courage and resilience in confronting the oppressive regime’s violence and surviving the attempt on his life. He commended Alejo for embodying the spirit of resilience and determination in the face of adversity, serving as an inspiration to European politicians and advocates for a free Iran.

Casaca highlighted the significance of Alejo’s survival as a blow to the oppressive regime, whose grip on power relies heavily on terrorizing and eliminating opposition voices. He noted the regime’s incompetence in executing terror attacks, evident from past failed attempts and the necessity to outsource such operations to criminal networks.

Moreover, Casaca raised concerns about the regime’s extensive infiltration campaign aimed at influencing decision-makers and public opinion in Western countries. He pointed out the regime’s use of various organizations and think tanks, financed through opaque investment funds, to manipulate perceptions and policies in favor of the regime’s interests.

Despite mounting evidence of foreign interference, Mr. Casaca lamented the lack of substantial action to address this threat to democratic institutions. He criticized the failure of oversight mechanisms, such as the Special Committee for Foreign Interference in the EU, to effectively combat infiltration and hold perpetrators accountable.

The former MEP said, “I make a small remark to reinforce the concerns here presented by Judge Pavlovsky and by Struan himself on what is happening with this show trial of the 104 opponents to the Iranian regime. I think they should be clearly seen as indices of assassination attempts on the leaders of the opposition to the Iranian regime and should be dealt with this way by our authorities. There is no other interpretation to what the mullahs want to do with this show trial.”

In conclusion, Mr. Casaca underscored the importance of safeguarding democratic institutions from foreign influence and upholding the truth in the face of adversity. He urged the attendants to follow Dr. Vidal Quadras’ example with unwavering conviction and determination in the ongoing battle for democracy and human rights.

Jean-François Legaret reflected on the harrowing terrorist attack targeting Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras on November 9, 2023, recalling the shared trauma experienced by all who stood against tyranny and oppression. He emphasized the gravity of the attack and its impact on their collective struggle for freedom and justice, particularly referencing the Paris-Villepinte attack of June 30, 2018.

In recognizing Dr. Vidal Quadras’ resilience and bravery, Mr. Legaret praised his unwavering dedication to supporting the PMOI and the NCRI over the past two decades, highlighting his pivotal role in advocating for their cause in the European Parliament and beyond.

The former Mayor also expressed gratitude to Amparo, Dr. Vidal Quadras’ wife, for her steadfast support and companionship throughout their journey. He celebrated Dr. Vidal Quadras’ struggle as a beacon of hope and inspiration, representing the triumph of freedom, intelligence, justice, and courage over oppression, obscurantism, barbarism, and cowardice.

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