Iranian Resistance is solution to problem of terrorism in region, former Algerian PM urges


The Iranian Resistance will necessarily be the solution to the problem of terrorism now including Iraq and Syria where the Iranian regime is heavily involved, Algeria’s former prime minister Sid Ahmed Ghozali has urged.

Speaking at a conference in Paris on Sunday, he said the world must unite to combat the phenomenon of Islamic extremism in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris and called on the West not to shy away from the roots of the problem of terrorism and Islamic extremism.

Mr Ghozali described the attacks as a ‘crime against humanity’ that has no link ‘peace, brotherhood, solidarity and tolerance’ of the Islamic faith.

He told the conference en titled “In 2015, all for tolerance and democracy against religious extremism”: “I humbly associate myself in mourning with the French people and I offer my sincere condolences and solidarity.

“But now that the criminals have been eliminated, as François Hollande has rightly said, that matter is not over yet.

“How can we curb this phenomenon? It is not unique to France. I come from a country where for 10 years the Algerian people has faced one of the cruellest terrorist movements that may exist.

“That’s why I make a solemn appeal to the leaders of all Western countries and leaders of the Muslim-Arab world, to tell them that this phenomenon will not be curbed if we continue to shy away from its root causes.”

Until now, the Iranian resistance has led the fight against state terrorism, and is now ‘necessarily part of the solution to this problem’, Mr Ghozali said.

He added: “This is the only organized force in the Muslim world that is able to be an alternative to a bloody dictatorship that is the Iranian religious dictatorship.”

Mrs Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance was the key-note speaker in the conference held north of Paris at the presence of political dignitaries and parliamentarians from various countries throughout the world

In his speech, Mr. Ghozali expressed his support for the Iranian Resistance under the leadership of Mrs Rajavi and said: With all my heart I hope and wish for you and your companions in the Resistance a continuation of the struggle for a noble cause; and our determination, we tell you our solidarity with you as we have today with the French people.”




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