Iranian Resistance celebrates Prophet Mohammad’s birthday

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NCRI – On the occasion of the birth of Prophet Mohammad on March 22, 2008, Muslim dignitaries from France and the Islamic world gathered in Auvers-sur-Oise north of Paris at the residence of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, Representatives of Muslim communities from Morocco, Algeria, Comoros, Mali, Turkey and a delegation of Iraqi women were among the attendees.

NCRI – On the occasion of the birth of Prophet Mohammad on March 22, 2008, Muslim dignitaries from France and the Islamic world gathered in Auvers-sur-Oise north of Paris at the residence of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, Representatives of Muslim communities from Morocco, Algeria, Comoros, Mali, Turkey and a delegation of Iraqi women were among the attendees.

Mrs. Rajavi commenced the celebratory gathering by welcoming the participants, in particular the Iraqi women who are fighting Islamic fundamentalism in their homeland. She emphasized that standing firm against the Iranian regime, which is the worst enemy of God, on the basis of the Quran’s teachings, is the best defense of Islam. This is especially crucial, Mrs. Rajavi added, at a time the regime poses a major threat to world peace and security by seeking domination over Iraq and moving rapidly to acquire nuclear weapons.
Mrs. Rajavi also noted the regime's efforts to expand its brand of Islamic fundamentalism to Palestine and Lebanon and spreading fear and crises to other nations. She welcomed the growing resistance to the regime in the region and underscored the important role of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) which represents the antithesis of the ruling fundamentalist regime in Iran, advocating peace, democracy and human rights.

Sheikh Khalil Merroun, director of the largest mosque in France, expressed solidarity with the gathering and in particular the Iraqi guests who face great hardship in their country. Sheikh Merroun presented a specially printed copy of Quran to Mrs. Rajavi as a good will gesture towards the Resistance.

Mrs. Faezeh Obeidi, head of women's section in the Iraqi National Alliance Movement led by Mr. Ayad Allawi, former Iraqi Prime Minister, conveyed Mr. Allawi’s message of support to the Iranian Resistance. She told the gathering about the situation in Iraq and the Iranian regime's meddling in her country and added that deprived Iraqi women are encouraged by the role of Mrs. Rajavi in leading the Resistance to the clerical regime.

Mr. Ghalib Bin Sheikh, head of the International Peace Federation and a distinguished Muslim figure in France, wished success for the Resistance and reiterated that his movement stood by the Iranian Resistance to preserve justice.

Mrs. Faiq Abduqader Latif, member of Tikrit City Council, said that the Iraqi women are the victims of the mullahs ruling Iran. Therefore, she added, they stand in the same front with the Resistance led by Mrs. Rajavi. She expressed regret that the mullahs commit their crimes under the name of Islam and reassured that the Iraqi women would confront all those who collaborate with the criminal rulers in Tehran.
Mrs. Amira Abdulkarim Alaqabi, an Iraqi journalist and the head of Iraqi Association for Environment, said in her remarks, "The rulers in Tehran intend to destroy Iraq, the schools, universities and academic institutions, but we are determined to resist that trend with the support of our brothers and sisters in the People's Mojahedin Organization."

Mrs. Mona Adnan Hossein, president of the Voice of the Iraqi Women's Association and a journalist, told the gathering that she was a victim of the mullahs' regime in Iraq and added, "The clerical regime killed my husband before the eyes of my child and me. I begged them to spare his life but they took no notice. They also killed my father because of his hostility towards the mullahs. They drilled his skull. While the government is refusing to provide any help, I sought refuge in Ashraf City together with my sister and my child where we were welcomed by its residents."

Regarding Ahmadinejad's visit to Iraq, she said, "He went to Iraq to show how much he is in control of the country, but thank God that he failed and had to leave Iraq earlier than it was planned." She expressed hopes that during the new Iranian calendar year, the Iranian people would depose of the clerical rulers.

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