Iranian Resistance, Achievements and Activities in 2023

Free Iran 2023 day 2

In the year 2023, the global recognition of the Iranian regime as a substantial threat to global peace and security reached unprecedented heights, while concurrently, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), representing the most organized and formidable resistance movement within the country, gained heightened international acknowledgment. This year marked a critical and nuanced confrontation between the Iranian regime and its supporters on one front, and the Iranian Resistance and its allies on the other.

Against this backdrop, 2023 witnessed significant political and legal victories on the international stage. Inside Iran, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) expanded its network extensively, defying numerous attempts at suppression, thousands of arrests, and even waves of state-sanctioned executions of political prisoners.

Despite facing a myriad of conspiracies orchestrated by the Iranian regime and its foreign collaborators, the NCRI successfully showcased its broad and influential non-governmental and international support for regime change in Iran while the PMOI’s organized activities within the country served as a global testament to the fact that the flame of uprising in Iran will not be extinguished.

However, the current report only encompasses a small fraction of the activities conducted by the PMOI Resistance Units, and numerous reports have been excluded for the purpose of summarization. Furthermore, this report fails to mention thousands of demonstrations, exhibitions, and activities that Iran’s Resistance supporters have conducted worldwide and on a daily basis.


January 2023

January 6 – On the third anniversary of the deliberate and criminal missile attack by the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) on a Ukrainian passenger plane PS752, resulting in the tragic death of 176 innocent passengers, rallies were held on January 6 and 7. Members of Iranian communities, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) organized these gatherings in various cities, including Malmö, Gothenburg, Stockholm, Hamburg, The Hague, Utah, Washington, Vancouver, Toronto, Vienna, Cologne, Munich, Heidelberg, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Oslo, and London.

January 10 – The International Committee in Search of Justice (ISJ) held a press conference at the Brussels Press Club to introduce a newly published book, entitled “Iran’s Democratic Revolution”. The study which has been written by prominent European politicians and experts aims to provide a clear picture of how Iran has become a stage of fierce battles between its people and their democratic forces vis-a-vis the tyrannical dictatorships and their foreign backers.

January 11 – In Pakdasht, located in Tehran Province, a team of girls from the Resistance Units organized a daytime parade on well-lit streets. By chanting anti-regime slogans, they disrupted the oppressive atmosphere and conveyed a message of hope for resistance and a better future for the people of Iran. A similar act was performed on January 10 in another district of the capital.

January 11 – The International Committee in Search of Justice (ISJ) held a conference introducing its latest book, “Iran’s Democratic Revolution.” The event was attended by several renowned politicians who expressed their support for the Iranian people’s uprising and Resistance, underlining that it is high time for Western powers to stand on the right side of history and cut all ties with the clerical regime.  

January 15-10 – In three daring endeavors, Resistance Units in Tehran, Tabriz, and Rasht displayed images of resistance leaders on tall buildings and public spaces.

January 20 – On the anniversary of the release of the last group of political prisoners from Shah’s prisons in 1979, Resistance Units throughout Iran conducted a campaign, voicing their support for the People’s Mojahedin Organization and political prisoners in Iran.

January 25 – The Friends of a Free Iran Intergroup in the European Parliament convened to discuss the prevailing situation in Iran. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, addressed the meeting. Several Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from various political groups participated and called for a firm policy vis-à-vis the Iranian regime while also supporting the leading role of the Iranian Resistance, particularly the PMOI and the organization’s Resistance Units network inside Iran, acting as the trailblazers of the ongoing uprising.  

January 27 – In a demonstration of solidarity with the Iranian people’s resistance and uprising, the “Committee of Arab Islamic Solidarity with the Iranian Resistance” (CAISIR) organized a conference in Brussels. The event attracted prominent figures from Jordan, Syria, Tunisia, Algeria, Yemen, Iraq, Sudan, and Mauritania. Notable attendees included key figures from the coalition of the Syrian opposition revolutionary forces, such as Mr. Nazir Hakim, Mr. Bashar Alhakim (deputy chair of the National Coalition), Mr. Haytham Maleh, Mr. Anwar Malek (former rapporteur of the Arab League), and Mr. Ahmad Kamel.

End January – Anglo-Iranian organizations convened a meeting in the United Kingdom’s Parliament to discuss the ongoing uprising in Iran. The event, attended by British lawmakers and Iranian activists, condemned the increasing violence by the Iranian regime against protesters. Participants expressed support for the organized Resistance movement, particularly endorsing the NCRI. The gathering urged the UK government to sever ties with Tehran and designate the Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization.

Scroll to see the activities of subsequent months:

February 2023

February 2 – The NCRI Representative Office in the United Kingdom held a press conference, revealing a document from inside the regime about Tehran’s plan to abduct its dissidents. This even came among the growing calls for blacklisting the regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as a terrorist entity in the European Union, particularly the UK.  

February 2-7 – In two distinct and daring actions, Resistance Units in Tehran and Tabriz, located in northwestern Iran, displayed images of resistance leaders on tall buildings and public spaces.

February 4 – At a meeting in Toronto, Canadian lawmakers, senior U.S. personalities, and former Canadian government officials voiced support for Iran’s Resistance and the nationwide uprising on the anniversary of Iran’s 1979 anti-monarchic revolution. Following the conference, supporters of the Iranian Resistance marched through the city of Toronto to demonstrate their support for their fellow countrymen and women back home in their struggle to liberate Iran and establish democracy. 

February 7 – The Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran (CPID) in the French National Assembly held a conference on Iran’s situation. French MPs and renowned politicians attended the conference, expressing their support of the Iranian people’s uprising and the Organization Resistance movement. The keynote speaker of this event was Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

February 8 – Several members of the 118th United States House of Representatives introduced House Resolution number 100 which expresses support for the Iranian people’s desire to establish a democratic, secular, and nonnuclear Republic of Iran. The resolution was submitted by 165 members of Congress from both the Republican and the Democratic parties.

February 10 – A solidarity meeting with the Iranian people’s uprising and their organized Resistance movement took place at the Norway Parliament. The keynote speaker at this event was NCRI President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, who provided insights into the current situation in Iran. The gathering was attended by distinguished former ministers, lawmakers, and politicians from Norway and other Nordic countries.

February 12 – Thousands of Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance gathered in Paris, Place Denfert Rochereau, in solidarity with the Iran protests and honoring the legacy of the 1979 anti-monarchic revolution. Several renowned European politicians and lawmakers, particularly from France, addressed the event, supporting the Iranian people’s democratic aspirations, mainly their rejection of any form of tyranny.

February 12 – To commemorate the triumph of the Iranian people’s revolution and the overthrow of the monarchial dictatorship on February 11, 1979, Resistance Units organized extensive campaigns in cities including Karaj, Kerman, Tehran, Tehran-e Sar, Mashhad, Shiraz, Ghods-Razaviyeh, Ahvaz, Hamedan, Yazd, Rasht, Lahijan, Rudsar, Sari, Zahedan, Rafsanjan, and Astaneh Ashrafiyeh. These campaigns aimed to spread messages of resistance and ultimate victory on a large scale.

February 17 – During the Munich Security Conference, thousands of Iranians and supporters of the MEK and NCRI gathered near the venue. They denounced Reza Pahlavi’s presence, viewing him as a symbol of monarchial tyranny. The protesters expressed their outrage and recalled that the move is sending a wrong message to the people of Iran who have put their lives on the line to resist and fight the dictatorship in the last 120 years of their struggle for freedom and democracy.  

February 23 – British MPs, David Jones, former United Kingdom’s  Secretary of State for Wales and Brexit, and Bob Blackman, a renowned lawmaker from the UK’s House of Commons, met with the NCRI President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and visited members of the PMOI in Ashraf 3, Albania. 

February 16- 23 – Several teams of Resistance Units in Tehran, as well as in Bandar Anzali, and Mashhad took pictures of resistance leaders on tall buildings. Moreover, units in different cities, including Shahr-e Kord, Kamyaran, Kermanshah, Khorramabad, Ilam, Zahedan, and Saravan, participated in writing slogans and distributing messages of resistance across various locations within the cities.

March 2023

March 2 – A delegation of members of the Italian Parliament, led by Senator Giulio Terzi, the head of the Senate European Union Affairs Committee and former foreign minister of Italy, met with the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Mrs. Maryam Rajavi in Ashraf 3, Albania. Other members of the delegation included Ms. Stefania Ascari from the Judicial Committee and Mr. Emanuele Pozzolo from the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Parliament. 

March 4 – the Iranian Resistance hosted an international conference in honor of International Women’s Day, where several renowned women leaders from Europe and the United States attended and showed their support for the Iranian people’s revolution, with a focus on the leading role of women.

March 9 – Several U.S Representatives announced that a bipartisan majority of the US House of Representatives is supporting H.Res.100, calling for a revised approach to Iran policy. This initiative, supported by a House majority within the first 50 days of the 118th Congress, is sponsored by key members from committees such as Foreign Affairs, Armed Services, Homeland Security, Appropriations, and the Select Committee on Intelligence. H.Ress 100 also recognizes the rights of the Iranian people and their struggle to establish a democratic, secular, and nonnuclear Republic of Iran.

March 11 – A bipartisan summit was held in Washington D.C., U.S., in solidarity with the nationwide Iran uprising and the Iranian people’s quest to establish a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear republic. The event was attended by several renowned U.S. politicians, including former Vice President Mike Pence. Following the summit, a rally was held in front of the White House in Washington, DC, where Iranian Americans and supporters of the NCRI marched to express their solidarity with the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people and their desire to overthrow the mullahs’ regime.

March 16 – The Organization of Iranian American Communities (OIAC) held a Senate briefing in Washington D.C. Notable figures in policy and politics, including a group of esteemed senior senators from both sides of the aisle, convened to discuss US policy on Iran. The focus of the event centered around identifying tangible measures that can be taken to support the Iranian people in their fight against the oppressive regime.

March 16 – At the initiative of the British Committee for Iran Freedom (BCFIF), a cross-party group of MPs and peers, along with members of the Anglo-Iranian Community, joined together to celebrate the Persian New Year, Nowruz, with a reception in the UK Parliament on March 16,  in solidarity with the people of Iran and their organized Resistance movement.  

March 20 – Thousands of Iranians held a large rally and demonstration in Brussels, simultaneous with the meeting of the E.U. Foreign Affairs Council. The protesters demanded the designation of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as a terrorist organization, as it is the central apparatus used by the Iranian regime to suppress nationwide protests.  

March 21- Resistance Units throughout Iran marked the Persian New Year, Nowruz, expressing their hopes for a bright and liberated future for their fellow countrymen and women. Their aspiration involves the removal of the clerical dictatorship.

March 21 – The U.S. Representative Office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI-US) held a Nowruz reception at the Willard InterContinental Hotel in Washington, DC. The event was attended by renowned former U.S. officials from both sides of the aisle, who supported the Iranian people’s uprising and organized Resistance.  

March 22 – In a joint letter to the President of the European Council, 50 Nobel Laureates expressed their support for the ongoing nationwide uprising in Iran, which began six months ago and seeks to establish a democratic and free republic.

March 26 – In observance of the commencement of the holy month of Ramadan, a conference in Paris featured politicians from Muslim nations worldwide expressing their support for the Iranian people’s uprising against the ruling religious dictatorship. At the event, political and religious leaders strongly denounced the mullahs’ regime for exporting terrorism, backing terrorist groups, and engaging in destabilizing interventions in the Middle East.

May 29 – Engaging in widespread activities against the ruling regime, the Resistance Units distributed messages of the Iranian Resistance in different cities, including Rasht, Lahijan, Pakdasht, Tehran, Yazd, Arak, Zanjan, Rafsanjan, Ardabil, Bandar Abbas, Marvdasht, Khash, and Abdanan. Alongside extending Persian New Year greetings, they also conveyed messages of resilience to the people. On two separate occasions on March 19 and March 28, Resistance Units projected the images of the Resistance leaders in Bandar Anzali and Rasht, both in the northern parts of the country.

March 29 – The Iranian Women’s Association in the UK held a conference at the British House of Commons. The conference was attended by a distinguished group of British lawmakers, university professors, and lawyers, all of whom resolutely endorsed the Iranian people’s valiant struggle for freedom and supported the ten-point plan of the NCRI.

March 30 – The Rt. Hon. Dr. Liam Fox, former British Defense Minister, and Franz Josef Jung, former Federal Minister of Defense of Germany, visited Ashraf 3 in Albania, home to members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran. They also met Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the MEK’s parent coalition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

April 2023

April 2 – A team from the Resistance Units in Tehran projected images of Resistance leaders onto a tall building situated along a major highway named Imam Ali. This display was strategically positioned to be visible to both pedestrians and motorists.

April 7 – In a widespread campaign, Resistance Units across different cities such as Isfahan, Karaj, Rasht, Kermanshah, Turkmen Sahra, Semnan, Lahijan, Gorgan, Shahrood, Kazeroon, Bandar Abbas, Ardabil, Ilam, Astara, Zahedan, Sabzevar, paid tribute to the martyrs of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran. Those fallen heroes were killed on April 8, 2011, by Iraqi mercenaries with ties to Tehran.

April 12 – At a press conference in Rome, Italy, several renowned Italian lawmakers announced a new cross-party initiative calling for a new approach and policy on Iran. The parliamentarians called for the terrorist designation of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).

April 15 – Across cities such as Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, Karaj, Sari, Rasht, Lahijan, Sarab, Kazeroon, Bojnourd, Yazd, Baluchestan, Mahabad, and Sabzevar, Resistance Units undertook extensive activities during daylight hours. These actions posed a significant challenge to the substantial security apparatus of the clerical regime. The units distributed messages promoting resistance and resilience.

April 16 – In a public and spirited demonstration, Resistance Units from four different districts in the country’s capital, Tehran, as well as the cities of Shiraz, Bandar Abbas, Hamedan, and Chalus, took to the streets for a visible display of dissent. Marching openly along the roads and streets, these units chanted anti-regime slogans and fervently encouraged the people to persist in their uprising and struggle.

April 20 – U.S. House representatives Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) and Nancy Mace (R-SC) unveiled the establishment of an influential, bipartisan caucus consisting of nearly 20 legislators on Thursday, exclusively dedicated to championing the cause of Iranian women. Dubbed the Iranian Women Congressional Caucus, this panel serves as a platform for Congress members to raise issues about the advancement of women’s freedom and democracy in Iran.

April 29 – In a bold display of defiance, Resistance Units in Yasuj, in the southwestern region of Iran, undertook a symbolic act of resistance. Taking advantage of the urban landscape, these units engaged in the visual expression of their commitment by projecting images of the leadership of the Resistance onto a high building. Through this powerful gesture, they aim to convey messages of resilience and steadfastness to the local population.

May 2023

May 1 – The State of Arizona’s Legislature issued a legislative proclamation statement supporting the people of Iran who have been protesting for their fundamental rights and freedoms, particularly since September 2022. The statement notes that the Iranian people have been deprived of their fundamental freedoms and have been rejecting monarchic dictatorship and religious tyranny.

South Carolina General Assembly – Courtesy of Wikipedia

May 3 – The majority of South Carolina’s Legislature passed House Resolution H-4422, which expresses support for the people of Iran, who have valiantly protested for their fundamental rights and freedoms in recent years, with a specific focus on the period since September 2022. It also supports the Ten-Point Plan of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the NCRI’s president-elect, for the future of Iran, which guarantees all these rights.

May 9 – Resistance Units in Dezful, southwest Iran, and Mashhad, northeast Iran, carried out activities involving the projection of images of Resistance leaders onto buildings and public spaces.

May 12 – The Iranian regime, utilizing its extensive intelligence apparatus, has actively been working to divert the momentum of the uprising by employing its mercenaries abroad. Through fear-mongering tactics, the regime aims to quell the flames of dissent by intimidating that the people’s sacrifice might eventually end up in the return of the monarchial dictatorship. In pursuit of this objective, the regime is propagating a narrative of “separatism” against Kurds and Baluchis, who have been at the forefront of anti-state protests. To counter these manipulative efforts, Resistance Units in Zahedan have launched a campaign to expose and counteract these conspiracies.

May 15 – 21 – In a powerful display of unity and determination, the Resistance Units projected significant images of Iranian Resistance leaders onto prominent buildings in Tehran. This symbolic gesture emphasizes the unwavering resolve of the Iranian people in their quest to overthrow the ruling mullahs. Additionally, various activities across the country involved these units writing graffiti on walls and distributing posters, spreading Mrs. Rajavi’s motto: “We can and we must” defeat the murderous regime.

Mid-May – In a statement, the majority of the members of the Scottish parliament, consisting of 82 members from various political parties, including 10 ministers, expressed their solidarity with the people of Iran and their organized resistance movement.

Mid-May – In a statement, the majority of the representatives in the Parliament of Wales, the Senedd, voiced their support of the people of Iran. The 38 signatories include heads of commissions and ministers.  

Mid-May – An overwhelming majority of Northern Ireland parliamentarians, 75 out of 90 representatives from diverse political parties, issued a statement reaffirming the rejection of the oppressive theocracy gripping Iran and the despotic reign of the overthrown Shah. The MPs expressed their support for the Ten-Point Plan of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).  

Mid-May – In a remarkable display of solidarity with the people of Iran, a significant majority of the representatives of the Geneva Parliament, comprising an impressive cohort of 63 devoted signatories, expressed their support for the ongoing protests in Iran and the Iranian Resistance.

May 18 – The United States Congressional Iran Human Rights and Democracy and Iranian Women Caucus held a hearing on the situation in Iran and the need to support the nationwide uprising that has continued despite the clerical regime’s efforts to quash or derail it. This bi-partisan hearing was attended by NCRI President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.

May 24 – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), attended a meeting in the European Parliament to discuss the uprising in Iran, the new wave of executions, and the European Union’s responsibilities.

May 25 – Amidst the commemoration of the anniversary of the martyrdom of the founders of the PMOI, supporters of the organization undertook activities in Tehran, Karaj, Lahijan, Gorgan, Kashan, Semnan, Zanjan, Bam, Shiraz, Shahrekord, Kermanshah, and Zahedan. In their endeavors, these supporters sought to counteract four decades of censorship and heavy government propaganda, as the ruling dictatorship attempted to present a tailored and false narrative about the PMOI to the restive society.

May 31 – The NCRI office in Washington D.C. held a press conference to expose classified documents obtained by the social network of the PMOI inside Iran, revealing information about Petrochemical Commercial Company International (PCCI), one of the regime’s important organs used in the field of oil and petrochemicals to circumvent sanctions.  

June 2023

Early June – A statement endorsed by the majority of representatives of the Slovenian Parliament expresses support for Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan and acknowledges the Iranian people’s aspiration for a democratic republic. The statement includes prominent figures such as the former Prime Minister of Slovenia, three political party leaders, eight members of the Foreign Affairs Committee, and a former Minister of Defense. 

Early June – In a statement, the majority of Iceland’s MPs condemned the ruling dictatorship in Iran for intensifying mass and extrajudicial executions as a means to suppress dissent and instill fear. The majority of representatives acknowledged the four-decade-long struggle of the Iranian women for democracy and expressed support for Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan. 

June 13 – In support of the international campaign led by the Iranian Resistance, a parliamentary conference was held at the House of Commons in the United Kingdom. During the conference, a joint statement was released, demonstrating the backing of 525 members from both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. This support included members from various political parties across the UK.

Mid-June – The majority of the parliamentarians from the Republic of Moldova joined a global campaign in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising. In a joint statement, 53 out of 101 members of the Moldovan parliament expressed their support for the Iranian people’s aspirations for a democratic republic with the separation of religion and state. 

Mid-June – The majority of members in the Norwegian Parliament joined a global campaign in support of the Iranian people’s uprising. They stand for the establishment of a democratic republic of Iran based on the separation of religion and state, while endorsing Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan.

Mid-June – In a resolute joint statement of solidarity and support, the majority of Italy’s parliament, consisting of 204 parliamentary representatives, rallied behind the aspirations of the Iranian people, advocating for the establishment of a democratic republic grounded in the separation of religion and state.

Mid-June – The majority of the North Macedonian Parliament expressed their support for the uprising of the Iranian people in favor of a democratic republic, separation of religion and state, and Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan for the future of Iran. 

Mid-June – In a strong show of support for the Iranian people’s uprising, the majority of the Irish Republic Senate (Seanad Éireann) has endorsed the establishment of a democratic republic in Iran. Thirty-six out of 60 senators signed a statement supporting the aspirations of the Iranian people and endorsing Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan.

Mid-June – A statement endorsed by the majority of the French National Assembly called for supporting the Iranian people in their pursuit of a democratic republic that upholds the separation of religion and state. 

June 20 – Commemorating the anniversary of June 20, marking the initiation of the full-fledged resistance against the clerical dictatorship in 1981, Resistance Units took bold initiatives to encourage and inspire the populace to persist in their uprising. On this occasion, daring actions unfolded as units recklessly embarked on the projection of images of the leaders of the Iranian Resistance and slogans advocating the overthrow of tyranny onto walls and buildings in twelve distinct locations across the country.

June 22 – A conference in Paris, France, witnessed the presence of several former heads of state who came together to announce the support of more than 100 former world leaders for the Iranian people’s uprising and their organized Resistance.

June 25 – Resistance Units across Iran organized a widespread activity to support the Iranian Resistance and disseminate the message of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi. They conducted events, distributing images and statements from Mrs. Rajavi in cities like Tehran, Shiraz, Tabriz, Isfahan, Karaj, Arak, Semnan, Anzali, Kermanshah, Sahneh, Ilam, Shahre Babak, Shahre Kord, Qeshm, Rezvanshahr, Iranshahr, and Bandar Abbas.

End June – 85 members of the 151-member House of Representatives of the State of Connecticut and 22 Senators out of 36 members of the state Senate signed the statement in support of the Iranian people’s efforts to achieve freedom in Iran. The statement was supported by a bipartisan majority in the House and Senate of the state, endorsing Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan for a secular republic of Iran. 

End June – In a resounding display of solidarity, 150 members of the European Parliament have joined a global campaign in support of the Iranian people’s ongoing uprising.

End June – A statement backed by a majority of the Netherlands Parliament garnered support from 77 representatives out of the total 150 lawmakers, announcing their solidarity with the popular uprising in Iran and its organized resistance movement.

End June – In a statement, the majority of the Maltese parliament expressed support for the Iranian people’s democratic uprising and their desire for a republic based on freedom and democracy.

End June – The majority in the Parliament of San Marino expressed its support for the Iranian people’s uprising and their aspirations for a democratic Iran, as advocated by the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.

End June – A majority at the Bremische Bürgerschaft, the legislative branch of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen in Germany, issued a statement expressing its solidarity with the popular uprising in Iran and its organized Resistance movement.

End June – A majority in the Landtag of Niedersachsen, the Parliament of Germany’s Lower Saxony state, issued a statement signed by the majority of representatives expressing their support for NCRI President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s 10-point plan and recognizing the Iranian people’s aspirations for a democratic Republic.

End June – In a strong bipartisan statement of support, the majority of North Carolina’s Legislature announced its backing of the popular uprising in Iran.

End June – A group of 75 Nobel laureates sent a letter to leaders around the world, urging them to support the people of Iran in their fight for democracy and freedom.

June 30 – Distinguished politicians and national security experts from both sides of the Atlantic converged at a significant conference in Paris. The event centers around the pressing issue of the popular uprising in Iran and the need for an alternative and effective Western policy vis-à-vis the regime.

June 30 – A conference was held in Paris, focusing on the Iranian People’s Uprising for a Democratic Republic. Distinguished speakers from various European parliaments gathered to discuss this important topic. The event, organized by Friends of a Free Iran in several European nations, provided a platform for panelists who collectively represented millions of European constituents.

July 2023

July 1 – Despite the Iranian regime’s efforts to influence Western countries, the Iranian Resistance successfully overcame the French police’s ban and conducted its annual summit at the National Council of Resistance of Iran Headquarters in Auvers-sur-Oise.

July 1 – Simultaneously, a substantial assembly of Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance gathered in Paris, where thousands of Iranians and their global allies demonstrated their determination to bring about regime change and establish democracy in Iran.

MEK Resistance Units send video messages to Free Iran 2023 World Summit

July 1 – Parallel to the Free Iran 2023 World Summit in France, thousands of members from the Resistance Units demonstrated solidarity with the annual rally of the Iranian Resistance. 10,000 video messages displayed at the world summit, conveyed their collective aspiration to overthrow the regime and establish a secular democratic republic. The messages, originating from various cities in Iran, echoed sentiments of hope and resistance, with many stating, “Our choice is Maryam Rajavi,” aligning with the president-elect of the NCRI and her Ten-Point Plan.

July 2 – At the NCRI headquarters, esteemed participants, including former leaders and legislators from Asian, African, and European nations, gathered to deliberate upon several critical subjects. These included the recent uprisings in Iran, the regime’s various machinations aimed at impeding the progress of the imminent revolution, the identification of a viable alternative to replace the current terrorist regime, and the formulation of appropriate policies to address the intricate multilateral challenges the regime is posing to the world today.

July 2 – The majority of Jordan’s House of Representatives has announced their support for a global statement endorsing the uprising and resistance in Iran, as well as Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point plan. This declaration was made public on the second day of the Free Iran Global Summit held in Paris.

July 2 – In a significant development, the majority of the Yemeni Parliament has announced their endorsement in a global statement expressing support for the Iranian people’s ongoing uprising, demanding a democratic Republic.

July 3 – Following the Free Iran Global Summit 2023 held on Saturday and Sunday, the NCRI convened its third consecutive meeting at its headquarters in Auvers-sur-Oise. The summit featured renowned jurists, lawyers, and human rights activists who addressed the gravest crime committed against humanity by the clerical regime in Iran.

July 12 – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), was invited by the Italian Parliament to participate in a hearing session of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

July 20 – In tribute to the anniversary of the 30th of Tir, marking the national uprising of the Iranian people on July 21, 1952, against the monarchic rule and reinstating Mohammad Mosadegh to power, Resistance Units orchestrated events across key cities. From Tehran to Shiraz, Qazvin to Isfahan, Mashhad to Karaj, Hamedan to Qom, Sari to Qaemshahr, Jiroft to Zahedan, Kamyaran to Yazd, Shahin Shahr to Yasuj, and Bandar Abbas to Kamyaran, images of the late Iranian Prime Minister were extensively distributed. Through this widespread dissemination, the units aimed to remind the people of Iran that the renaissance of true democracy is both achievable and imperative.

July 26 – In commemoration of the anniversary of Eternal Light Operation, a major offensive military campaign by the National Liberations Armee of Iran in 1988, Resistance Units performed 18 daring endeavors across Iran. From Tehran to Pardis, Mashhad to Tabriz, Shiraz to Qom, Qazvin to Bandar Anzali, Shahrekord to Arak, Yazd to Urmia, Dehdasht to Marvdasht, Babolsar to Nowshahr, and Hashtpar to Gilan, these units engaged in projecting images of the Resistance leaders on high buildings.

August 2023

August 2-6 – Honoring the anniversary of the Constitutional Revolution, MEK Resistance Units projected images of Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi and NCRI president-elect Maryam Rajavi in various cities. Resistance Units in Tehran, Tabriz, Qazvin, Karaj, Mashhad, Kerman, Kerend, Isfahan, Shiraz, Kermanshah, Sanandaj, Ahvaz, Bumehen, Mazandaran, Zahedan, Rudehen, Shahr-e Kord, Khorram Abad, and Hamedan declared their steadfast support for the MEK and their determination to overthrow the regime.

August 11- In reaction to the regime’s staged trials for MEK members in Tehran, Resistance Units throughout Iran released videos, expressing their unwavering readiness to stand alongside the MEK and the Iranian Resistance in the streets, protests, and efforts to overthrow the regime for the cause of freedom in Iran.

Mid-August – In one week, Resistance Units displayed determination with activities across various cities, emphasizing ongoing protests and the commitment to overthrow the regime. In Tehran, posters featuring quotes from Massoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi were installed, highlighting the people’s right to revolt and the vision for liberating the nation. Resistance Units in Gorgan organized a parade chanting anti-regime slogans, while in Shiraz and Isfahan, they installed posters affirming their resolve for resistance and regime change. Similar activities were reported in multiple cities, showcasing widespread defiance against the regime’s oppressive tactics.

Mid-August- 42 members of the California Legislature signed letters expressing their support for the recent uprising of the Iranian people and endorsing Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan for the future of Iran.

August 18 – Albeit the regime’s efforts to suppress the Friday prayer sermon of the Sunni population and their subsequent protests, the MEK Resistance Units in Zahedan engaged in anti-regime activities, as evidenced by videos capturing members holding placards and chanting slogans against the regime.

August 20 – In a daring demonstration of dissent, Resistance Units orchestrated yet another campaign across several cities like Tehran, Tabriz, Karaj, Yazd, Arak, Rasht, Kashan, Soumehsara, Yasuj, Shiraz, Ahvaz, Gorgan, Mahabad, Bam, Shahin Shahr, Kerman, Zanjan, Kermanshah, and Behbahan, messages of Iranian resistance were disseminated extensively. This multifaceted effort aimed to communicate to the people of Iran that change is not only possible but imperative in liberating the nation from the grip of clerical dictators.

August 21- A conference held in Paris commemorated the 35th anniversary of the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran. Titled “Four Decades of Crime against Humanity and Impunity from Punishment,” the event gathered esteemed international judges and jurists from all around the world.

September 2023

September 5 – In a bold display of defiance, Resistance Units in the cities of Rasht, Siahkal, Shahrekord, and Mashhad have embarked on a unique form of protest, utilizing video projectors to capture and project images of the leaders of the Iranian resistance onto various buildings. This unconventional method seeks to bring the portraits of resistance leaders to the forefront of public attention, engaging communities in a powerful visual dialogue.

September 6 – As the PMOI celebrated its 58th anniversary, Resistance Units within Iran marked the occasion by projecting images of the organization’s leaders and founders in various cities. The PMOI emblem and images of its founding members were projected in dozens of cities, showcasing widespread commemorations across the country.

September 6 – In a press conference at the UK Parliament, MPs discussed the actions of the Iranian regime and the urgent need to proscribe the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization.

September 7- A conference titled “Iran Nationwide Uprising, One Year After” took place at the NCRI Headquarters near Paris, featuring prominent international figures. Notable attendees included Congressman Randy Weber from the US House of Representatives, Senator Gerry Horkan from Ireland, and Mr. Jim Higgins, former Minister and Vice President of the Irish Delegation to the European Parliament.

September 12 – In the UK Parliament, members of both the House of Commons and the House of Lords convened with representatives from the Iranian Resistance. They gathered to commemorate the first anniversary of the 2022 uprising and reaffirm their dedication to backing the Iranian people’s quest for freedom and democracy. Additionally, they urged the UK government to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization.

September 12 – At the London meeting, a joint statement signed by over 1,000 female dignitaries, including former heads of state, was made public. The signatories express their support for the Iranian Resistance and urge the international community to take heed of the ongoing Iranian uprising.

Iranian Democratic Opposition NCRI’s international conference on the first anniversary of the nationwide uprising; September 15, 2023

September 15 – A significant event took place as thousands of Iranians gathered in Brussels for a major rally. Leaders and legislators from various nations participated in a conference in the Belgian capital. This gathering marked the first anniversary of the nationwide uprising that had a profound impact on the ruling establishment in Iran.

September 15 – Honoring the first anniversary of Iran’s 2022 nationwide uprising against the authoritarian regime, Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance held a large demonstration in Brussels, the Belgian capital. This honored the uprising, its martyrs, and all those fervently striving for freedom across the nation.

September 15 – Resistance Units showcased their presence in over 40 cities during anti-regime activities, notably from September 15 to 17sdlkj. In Tehran, they displayed photos of Massoud Rajavi with messages emphasizing his leadership and the pursuit of freedom. Similar activities occurred in various cities, including Shiraz, Karaj, Babol, Qazvin, and more, where Resistance Units conveyed strong messages calling for the overthrow of the oppressive regime.

September 19 – Thousands gathered to protest outside the United Nations General Assembly, denouncing the presence of Ebrahim Raisi, the President of the Iranian regime. The demonstrators passionately voiced their strong opposition, condemning Raisi as a key figure responsible for mass murder. They fervently argued that he should not be afforded a platform within the United Nations.

September 19 – As the new academic year commenced, Resistance Units adorned public spaces across Iran with posters and images of NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi. They have also disseminated Maryam Rajavi’s messages in several cities. In Tehran, Resistance Units declared, “This year marks the expansion of Resistance Units in schools and universities.”

September 30 and October 1 – On the first anniversary of the Zahedan’s Bloody Friday massacre, simultaneous with Baluch people’s protests in various cities across Sistan and Baluchestan, Resistance Units throughout Iran conducted anti-regime activities. In these actions, they paid tribute to the martyrs of the Bloody Friday and reaffirmed their commitment to overthrow the mullahs’ regime, holding its leaders accountable for crimes against humanity.

October 2023

October 4 – In daring endeavors across Iran, Resistance Units inscribed graffiti on walls and disseminated images of the Resistance leaders in diverse cities. These actions aimed to inspire defiance against the regime and foster hope for a brighter future.

October 5 – Coinciding with the fifty-fourth session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, a conference was held by the Iranian Resistance to examine the human rights situation in Iran under the rule of the clerical dictatorship.

October 6 – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, met and held talks with Mr. Mike Pompeo, former United States Secretary of State. The two conferred on the explosive situation in Iran and underscored that despite the brutal crackdown, including the dramatic rise in executions, the regime has failed to extinguish the flames of the uprising. Following his meeting, Mr. Pompeo delivered an inspiring speech to a gathering of NCRI members and supporters.

October 6 – In daring defiance of the Iranian regime’s severe suppression to obstruct Friday prayers and processions in Zahedan, Resistance Units persistently promote a spirit of resistance and resilience. As is customary every Friday, they encourage the populace through the placement of protest placards in public areas.

October 9 – Since May, over a hundred former heads of state, including presidents, prime ministers, and a former chancellor, have united to appeal to their successors in the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and Canada. They aim to encourage action and garner support for the Iranian Resistance movement that strives for regime change in Iran. As of the latest updates, the number of signatories reached 125.

October 11 – Honoring World Day Against Execution at the French National Assembly, NCRI President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi joined French parliamentarians, members, and supporters of the Iranian Resistance, as well as human rights activists and politicians from various countries to discuss and exchange views on the dire human rights situation under the theocratic dictatorship in Iran.

On October 11 – Honoring the World Day Against Death Penalty, a conference was convened at the Welsh Parliament on Iran’s human rights record. Attended by parliamentarians and delegates from Iranian communities in the UK, the conference aimed to amplify support for the ongoing uprising in Iran, advocating for the establishment of a democratic republic.

October 12 – In a statement signed by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, consisting of 47 countries, 110 representatives expressed their support for the nationwide uprising in Iran and the Iranian people’s aspirations for freedom and democracy. The representatives of the European people also called on the Albanian government to safeguard and commit to protecting the fundamental rights of the Iranian opposition, particularly members of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK) who are residing in Ashraf 3.

October 13 – Despite the Iranian regime’s intense suppression to prevent Friday prayers and rallies in Zahedan, as in every other Friday, Resistance Units in Zahedan encouraged people towards resistance and resilience by displaying protest placards in public thoroughfares.

October 17 – In a gathering initiated by the Iranian Democratic Women’s Society in Italy, a conference was held in the municipality of Pescara, emphasizing support for the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom and a democratic republic.

October 19 – In a conference at the Italian Senate, Senator Giulio Maria Terzi, Chair of the European Union Relations Committee in the Italian Senate, Emanuele Pozzolo, a member of the Italian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, former Colombian Senator Ingrid Betancourt, Elisabetta Zamparutti, co-founder of Hands Off Cain, and Antonio Stango, President of the Italian Federation for Human Right discussed the Iranian regime’s terrorism and disinformation operations.

October 21 and 22 – In celebration of October 22nd and to commemorate the selection of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi as the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Resistance Units across Iran initiated a promotional campaign. Displaying images of Mrs. Rajavi in various locations nationwide, the campaign aimed to mark this significant occasion and highlight the ongoing efforts for a democratic transition in Iran. At night, these brave souls projected images of Mrs. Rajavi on various buildings and public places.

October 24 – In a gathering at the UK Parliament, cross-party members of parliament, along with experts in Middle Eastern affairs and counter-terrorism, as well as representatives from various Anglo-Iranian Associations, convened to discuss the destabilizing actions of the Iranian regime in the region and the outlook for popular protests within Iran.

October 26 – In a Senate briefing in Washington, D.C., political leaders and senators on both sides of the aisle came together to discuss the Iranian regime and the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East. The event featured keynote remarks from Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran as well as Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Senator Bob Menendez, Senator John Boozman, former National Security Advisor General James Jones, former Senator Sam Brownback, former Supreme Allied Commander of US forces in Europe General Wesley Clark, and former White House Liaison Ms. Linda Chavez.

October 29 – On the occasion of Cyrus the Great Day, Resistance Units across Iran expressed their patriotic determination for the liberation of their country from the clerical dictatorship through a promotional campaign. They also honored the later Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh and Cyrus the Great. During the night, numerous units projected images of the Resistance leaders onto various buildings across cities in Iran. This act served as a demonstration of defiance against the regime and aimed to instill hope among the public.

November 2023

Beginning in November – Hundreds of Resistance Units throughout the country commemorated the November 2019 uprisings and spread messages of Iranian Resistance leadership to continue the path of those fallen heroes.

November 2 – In response to the regime president Ebrahim Raisi’s visit to Sanandaj, Resistance Units in Kurdistan Province staged a campaign to convey the Iranian people’s outrage. They defiantly challenged the regime’s security apparatus, aiming to spread the message of bold resistance.

November 3 – While supporters of the NCRI gathered outside the UN headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, expressing their strong opposition against the appointment of Iran’s regime to lead the UNHRC Social Forum, members of the Resistance Units demonstrated their solidarity by coordinating a campaign in various cities within Iran.

November 14 – At a Congressional briefing, former Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs, Ambassador Lincoln Bloomfield, Jr., and Professor Ivan Sascha Sheehan, Associate Dean of the College of Public Affairs at The University of Baltimore joined US Representatives to delve into Iran’s covert influence operations, strategically crafted to fortify the survival of the terrorist regime ruling in Tehran.

November 16 – Commemorating the November 2019 uprising anniversary, Resistance Units organized over 150 activities throughout the country. They reaffirmed their dedication to following the path of the uprising’s martyrs and overthrowing the rule of the mullahs. Braving and defying the regime’s extensive security apparatus, they managed to instill hope across society.

November 16 – A conference was held in the Australian Parliament in Canberra to mark the fourth anniversary of Iran’s November 2019 uprising. At this meeting, Australian MPs and politicians expressed their support for the NCRI’s efforts and the Iranian people’s aspiration for a free and democratic country.

November 22 – At a conference at the European Parliament, representatives from various political groups invited NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi and discussed the Iranian regime’s destructive role in the Middle East and called for the terrorist designation of the IRGC. In a message to the conference, Prof. Vidal-Quadras stressed the need for a strategic combination of sanctions, diplomatic and political pressures, international isolation, and robust support for the democratic opposition in Iran, as outlined in Mrs. Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan.

November 28 – In a conference held at the British Parliament, representatives from both the House of Commons and the House of Lords joined Mrs. Rajavi to address the escalating crisis in the Middle East and the clerical regime’s role in the Gaza conflict.

December 2023

December 4 – At a session held in the Canadian Parliament, Canadian politicians, an American scholar, and other human rights activists discussed the human rights violations in Iran as well as the regime’s influence operation in the Americas.

December 7 – On the anniversary of Student Day, Resistance Units, the network of PMOI supporters inside Iran, held activities across the country. They reiterated their commitment to continue the path of the students who have laid down their lives for freedom and the martyrs of Iran’s uprisings for overthrowing the mullahs’ rule.

December 9 – Honoring Human Rights Day and the introduction of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the NCRI held a conference in the Hague in the Netherlands, where Dutch and international politicians and human rights activists addressed the situation in Iran, the regime’s malign influence in the Middle East and the need to support the Iranian Resistance.

December 10-17 – In a show of defiance against the legal theatrics initiated by the clerical regime to try and condemn 104 members of the Iranian Resistance in absentia, in more than a hundred activities conducted across Iran, Resistance Units demonstrated their unwavering commitment to the PMOI and its leadership. In Tehran, they marched through the streets, denouncing the regime’s crimes, and calling for regime leaders to face international courts for human rights violations. In Kermanshah, they declared themselves the real advocates for the PMOI, while in Mashhad, they emphasized the people’s court in their struggle against those compromising national sovereignty.

December 12 – At Capitol Hill, representatives from both political parties in the United States House of Representatives joined forces to voice their solidarity with the ongoing endeavors of the Iranian Resistance that strives to establish a free, democratic, and non-nuclear republic in Iran.

December 12 – In defiance of the regime’s efforts to intimidate the Iranian populace through a sham trial involving 104 members of the Iranian Resistance, Resistance Units affiliated with the PMOI orchestrated a nationwide campaign to express their support for the organization.

December 12 – At a conference in the House of Lords, members from both Houses of the UK Parliament, jurists, and human rights activists discussed the grave human rights situation in Iran and how supporting the Iranian Resistance can lead to change.

Celebrating their victory and the canceling of Ebrahim Raisi’s visit to Geneva, supporters of the Iranian Resistance call for awareness on human rights violations in Iran- December 13, 2023

December 13 – Under the pressure of a significant international campaign led by the Iranian Resistance and due to the looming threat of arrest, Ebrahim Raisi, the president of the Iranian regime, decided to abandon his planned visit to Geneva. The cancellation was prompted not only by an official complaint filed by former Iranian political prisoners currently living in Switzerland, submitted to the Geneva police but also by a joint statement signed by 450 former world leaders, judges, Nobel laureates, former UN officials, human rights and legal experts, and various NGOs.

December 13 –  Despite the regime’s attempts to intimidate the Iranian populace with a fabricated trial of 104 members of the Iranian Resistance, Resistance Units conducted a nationwide campaign to affirm their support for the organization.

December 14 – Members of the Bundestag as well as state parliaments of Germany, political figures, human rights advocates, and Iranian diaspora members convened at a conference in Berlin to address pressing issues concerning Iran.

December 19 – A former Iranian official was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Swedish judiciary. Welcoming the Swedish Court of Appeals verdict against the former Iranian regime’s prisoner guard Hamid Noury, the NCRI called for the persecution of Ali Khamenei, Ebrahim Raisi, and other perpetrators of the 1988 massacre.

Mid-December – A bipartisan “Congressional ASHRAF Protection and Rights Advocacy Caucus” was created to address the challenges faced by Iranian dissidents residing in Ashraf-3, Albania.

December 20 – In broad daylight, MEK-affiliated Resistance Units across Iran carried out a campaign, clearly demonstrating their unwavering commitment to persisting in the fight. Their goal was to effectively spread the message of the Resistance among the population.

December 21 – Following the visit of the regime’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, to Golestan Province, Resistance Units across the region initiated a campaign urging the people to protest and demonstrate defiance against this perpetrator of crimes against humanity.

Mid-December – The UK Parliament’s website published a submission from the National Council of Resistance of Iran’s Foreign Affairs Committee, addressing the growing threats posed by the Iranian regime to regional stability.

Late December – The German Committee for Solidarity with a Free Iran (DSFI) announced that 180 members of the Bundestag and 350 members of state parliament have jointly expressed support for the Iranian people’s uprising for regime change and backed NCRI’s Ten-Point Plan for a free Iran.

Late December – Resistance Units in 18 cities, including Tehran, Rasht, Karaj, Urmia, Behbohan, Neyshabour, Varamin, Parand, Kashan, Kermanshah, Mashhad, Neyriz, Zahedan, Semnan, Sari, Shiraz, Hamedan, Babol, and Tabriz, stood against the regime’s suppression. They unequivocally expressed their support for the Ten-Point Plan put forth by NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi.

December 27 – During the night, Resistance Units across cities such as Tehran, Kermanshah, Mashhad, Isfahan, Karaj, and Tabas utilized video projectors to display images of Iran’s resistance leaders on city buildings. This action aimed to communicate the message of Iran’s Resistance, calling for the overthrow of the clerical dictatorship, and reaching out to the awareness of the Iranian people.

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