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Iranian Resistance, Achievements and Activities in 2023

October 2023

فعالیت‌های کانون‌های شورشی در شهرهای میهن با شعار «تنها ره رهایی سلاح و سرنگونی ۱۴۰۲»

October 4 – In daring endeavors across Iran, Resistance Units inscribed graffiti on walls and disseminated images of the Resistance leaders in diverse cities. These actions aimed to inspire defiance against the regime and foster hope for a brighter future.

HRC54 side event Iran 3 oct 2023 (1)

October 5 – Coinciding with the fifty-fourth session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, a conference was held by the Iranian Resistance to examine the human rights situation in Iran under the rule of the clerical dictatorship.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi Meets With Former US Secretary of State Mr. Mike Pompeo

October 6 – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, met and held talks with Mr. Mike Pompeo, former United States Secretary of State. The two conferred on the explosive situation in Iran and underscored that despite the brutal crackdown, including the dramatic rise in executions, the regime has failed to extinguish the flames of the uprising. Following his meeting, Mr. Pompeo delivered an inspiring speech to a gathering of NCRI members and supporters.

فعالیت کانون‌های شورشی در زاهدان، سراوان و اصفهان با شعار خواست بلوچستان نه سلطنت نه رهبری دموکراسی

October 6 – In daring defiance of the Iranian regime’s severe suppression to obstruct Friday prayers and processions in Zahedan, Resistance Units persistently promote a spirit of resistance and resilience. As is customary every Friday, they encourage the populace through the placement of protest placards in public areas.

115signatories jvmi (1)

October 9 – Since May, over a hundred former heads of state, including presidents, prime ministers, and a former chancellor, have united to appeal to their successors in the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and Canada. They aim to encourage action and garner support for the Iranian Resistance movement that strives for regime change in Iran. As of the latest updates, the number of signatories reached 125.

slider conference against world death penalty

October 11 – Honoring World Day Against Execution at the French National Assembly, NCRI President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi joined French parliamentarians, members, and supporters of the Iranian Resistance, as well as human rights activists and politicians from various countries to discuss and exchange views on the dire human rights situation under the theocratic dictatorship in Iran.

wales parliament iranian resistance

On October 11 – Honoring the World Day Against Death Penalty, a conference was convened at the Welsh Parliament on Iran’s human rights record. Attended by parliamentarians and delegates from Iranian communities in the UK, the conference aimed to amplify support for the ongoing uprising in Iran, advocating for the establishment of a democratic republic.

Council of Europe parliamentary assembly (1)

October 12 – In a statement signed by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, consisting of 47 countries, 110 representatives expressed their support for the nationwide uprising in Iran and the Iranian people’s aspirations for freedom and democracy. The representatives of the European people also called on the Albanian government to safeguard and commit to protecting the fundamental rights of the Iranian opposition, particularly members of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK) who are residing in Ashraf 3.

پراتیک کانون‌های شورشی در زاهدان با شعار «ما زن و مرد جنگیم بجنگ تا بجنگیم»

October 13 – Despite the Iranian regime’s intense suppression to prevent Friday prayers and rallies in Zahedan, as in every other Friday, Resistance Units in Zahedan encouraged people towards resistance and resilience by displaying protest placards in public thoroughfares.

italy pescara iranian community resistance oct2023 (1)

October 17 – In a gathering initiated by the Iranian Democratic Women’s Society in Italy, a conference was held in the municipality of Pescara, emphasizing support for the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom and a democratic republic.

italy rome conference october 19, 2023 (1)

October 19 – In a conference at the Italian Senate, Senator Giulio Maria Terzi, Chair of the European Union Relations Committee in the Italian Senate, Emanuele Pozzolo, a member of the Italian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, former Colombian Senator Ingrid Betancourt, Elisabetta Zamparutti, co-founder of Hands Off Cain, and Antonio Stango, President of the Italian Federation for Human Right discussed the Iranian regime’s terrorism and disinformation operations.

فعالیتهای کانونهای شورشی-سی مهر سالروز معرفی مریم رجوی بعنوان رئیس جمهور برگزیده مقاومت ۳۰مهر۱۴۰۲

آکسیون کانونهای شورشی بمناسبت ۳۰مهر در شهرهای میهن - ۲۹ مهر ۱۴۰۲

October 21 and 22 – In celebration of October 22nd and to commemorate the selection of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi as the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Resistance Units across Iran initiated a promotional campaign. Displaying images of Mrs. Rajavi in various locations nationwide, the campaign aimed to mark this significant occasion and highlight the ongoing efforts for a democratic transition in Iran. At night, these brave souls projected images of Mrs. Rajavi on various buildings and public places.

uk parliament meeting 24 oct 2023 (1)

October 24 – In a gathering at the UK Parliament, cross-party members of parliament, along with experts in Middle Eastern affairs and counter-terrorism, as well as representatives from various Anglo-Iranian Associations, convened to discuss the destabilizing actions of the Iranian regime in the region and the outlook for popular protests within Iran.

senator jeane shaheen conference 26 october 2023 (1)

October 26 – In a Senate briefing in Washington, D.C., political leaders and senators on both sides of the aisle came together to discuss the Iranian regime and the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East. The event featured keynote remarks from Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran as well as Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Senator Bob Menendez, Senator John Boozman, former National Security Advisor General James Jones, former Senator Sam Brownback, former Supreme Allied Commander of US forces in Europe General Wesley Clark, and former White House Liaison Ms. Linda Chavez.

فعالیت کانونهای شورشی به‌مناسبت روز کوروش کبیر ۷آبان ۱۴۰۲

October 29 – On the occasion of Cyrus the Great Day, Resistance Units across Iran expressed their patriotic determination for the liberation of their country from the clerical dictatorship through a promotional campaign. They also honored the later Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh and Cyrus the Great. During the night, numerous units projected images of the Resistance leaders onto various buildings across cities in Iran. This act served as a demonstration of defiance against the regime and aimed to instill hope among the public.