Iranian regime is an illegitimate regime ‘despised by its own citizens’, Ambassador Robert Joseph



NCRI – The Iranian regime is a regime without legitimacy that is despised by its own citizens, former  undersecretary of state for arms control and international security said at an international gathering in Paris on June 22 in support of democratic change in Iran.

Ambassador Robert Joseph also called for immediate safety for Iranian dissidents being ‘held hostage’ in Camp Liberty.

Addressing the gathering, he said: “The most immediate concern is for the safety and security of your brothers and sisters in Camp Liberty held hostage in Iraq.

“Last week’s sham election as others have already pointed out has once again raised false hopes that there will be significant change in the Mullah’s policies toward its nuclear weapons program and also perhaps even in terms of the policies of domestic oppression in Iran.”

New president Hassan Rohani had ‘diplomatic polish’ but he would be continuing the regime’s quest for nuclear weapons, Mr Joseph said.

He added: “He knows how to play the west and he will continue to play the west and he will do it well until the west realizes that it is a fantasy in terms of him being a reformer.

“The Mullahs have pursued negotiations as a game and they have won. They have gained over a decade of time to pursue the program.

“This is a regime without legitimacy. It is a regime that is despised by its own citizens. As with all authoritarian governments, the people of Iran are the greatest threat to the survival of the regime.

“And this is why reform is not a option for the regime. And it’s also why regime change is the only sound policy.
Appeasement and accommodation will not work. It will not bring democracy and it will not bring an end to the nuclear program.

“The murderous attacks on the defenseless civilians at Camp Liberty reflect the mullah’s fears of the resistance movement, represented here today.”

Mr Joseph praised the ‘leadership and wisdom’ of Maryam Rajavi, adding: “You’re the ones who will play the separate role in achieving the objective of all of us who support democracy and human rights in Iran. It’s a privilege to join forces with you in your cause of freedom.”

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