Iranian political prisoner refused treatment for cancer

NCRI – The Iranian regime has blocked medical treatment for a political prisoner who is suffering from pancreatic cancer, intending to gradually murder him, according to the Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran.

According to reports, Mohsen Dokmechi, whose daughter resides in Camp Ashraf, Iraq, did not have the strength to even speak when his family visited him last, and appeared as though he had lost almost half of his normal weight.


The political prisoner’s health is rapidly deteriorating due to the agents’ decision to deprive him of medical treatment on the orders of the regime’s prosecutor in Tehran, Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi.

Prison doctors have recommended that Mr. Dokmechi be transferred to a hospital outside the prison to undergo chemotherapy, but Dolatabadi is refusing to allow it.

The Iranian regime is imposing the same inhumane pressures against Mr. Dokmechi that the Iraqi prime minister’s suppression committee is exerting on critically ill patients at Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

Mr. Dokmehi was imprisoned for years by the regime in the 1980s. He was arrested last year for helping families of political prisoners and because his daughter resides in Camp Ashraf. He has been subjected to severe psychological and physical torture while in prison.

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