Iranian opposition reveals Iran’s role in Iraq violence

NCRI, London – In a press conference yesterday, the office of National Council of Resistance of Iran in London (NCRI) revealed new details showing Tehran regularly obtained secret information about decisions made by top rank officials of the coalition forces in Baghdad. 

According to NCRI, the information was routed through the Iranian embassy in Baghdad and its consulate offices located in different cities of Iraq back to Tehran.

NCRI, May 30, London – In a press conference yesterday, the office of National Council of Resistance of Iran in London (NCRI) revealed new details showing Tehran regularly obtained secret information about decisions made by top rank officials of the coalition forces in Baghdad. 

According to NCRI, the information was routed through the Iranian embassy in Baghdad and its consulate offices located in different cities of Iraq back to Tehran.

The Iranian Ambassador, Hassan Kazemi-Ghomi, personally overlooked this operation.

Kazemi, who headed the Iranian delegation to the Iran-US talks in Baghdad on May 28, is actually a top ranking General of the infamous Iranian Qods force and has years of background in terrorist activities in Lebanon and Afghanistan, the report says.

“Kazemi-Ghomi is in constant contact with the Badr forces and actively sends militants from Iraq to Iran to receive various military training,” the NCRI revealed at the conference.

“One of the most important missions Kazemi-Ghomi has, is to follow-up on the situation of the Iranian Mojahedin in Iraq and see to their expulsion from Iraq or repatriation back to Iran,” said an NCRI spokesman, Hossein Abedini to the media at the conference.

One major operation the Iranian embassy has managed to perform in the past has been to obtain meeting details of Paul Bremer with the Iraq’s Governing Council back in 2004.  The information was passed on by an operand by the name of Abu-Ammar who was a commanding officer of the security police at the time.  He later fled to Iran when his activities were exposed.

Also the embassy is highly active to receive intelligence using the local translators working for the coalition forces in Iraq.

Highlights of other information revealed by NCRI at the press conference:

– Iranian diplomatic mission in Iraq has 70 personnel of which 36 are based in Baghdad and the rest are in the consulate offices in other Iraqi cities. 
– Of 36 working at the Embassy, only 14 are foreign ministry personnel and the rest consist of 7 from the Qods force and 15 are intelligence officers.
– At the conference, Abedini also revealed specific details about three members of the Qods force who are assigned to regime’s embassy in Baghdad by the names of Naseri, Nobakht and Jabbari.  These three operate under the direct supervision of Kazemi and are responsible for the transfer of arms and ammunition from Iran for the Iraqi groups.  Weapons include the advance EFP bombs.

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