Iranian New Year celebrated in US Senate

NCRI – The Iranian New Year was marked by a celebration at the US Senate on March 30 organized by the Association of Americans for Democracy in the Middle East.

In their speeches and messages of solidarity, members of the Senate and the House of Representatives expressed their best wishes to the Iranian people and their resistance in the New Iranian Year.

In his opening remarks, Professor Daniel Zucker welcomed everybody on behalf of the American Association and hoped that Iranians would celebrate their freedom in the new year which had just started.
Congressman Bob Filner followed Prof. Zucker by expressing hope that the third option offered by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, would be put to test this year as the most viable alternative to the policy of appeasement of the clerical dictatorship in Iran which will ultimately lead to war.

In his message to the festive event, Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota said that the Americans support Iranian people in their struggle to rid themselves from the evil of the present regime and stressed how proud they were to be on the side of those brave Iranians who were fighting for their rights.

Prof. Raymond Tanter of the Iran Policy Committee called on the participants to go for wider and more active support for the Iranian Resistance in the new Iranian year.

Prof. Zucker closed the event by thanking the speakers, offices of the Senators represented in the reception and all participants.

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