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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIranian exiles rally in memory of July 9 uprising

Iranian exiles rally in memory of July 9 uprising

Iranian exiles rally in memory of July 9 uprisingNCRI – The tenth anniversary of the courageous uprising of the Iranian people and students on July 9, 1999, was honored by exiled Iranians in gatherings in Europe, the US, and Canada. Participants expressed support to their compatriots in Iran. At rallies and demonstrations, the regime’s crimes, instances of widespread suppression, arrests, torture and hanging of dissident youths were also exposed.

NCRI - The tenth anniversary of the courageous uprising of the Iranian people and students on July 9, 1999, was honored by exiled Iranians in gatherings in Europe, the US, and Canada. Participants expressed support to their compatriots in Iran. At rallies and demonstrations, the regime’s crimes, instances of widespread suppression, arrests, torture and hanging of dissident youths were also exposed.NCRI – The tenth anniversary of the courageous uprising of the Iranian people and students on July 9, 1999, was honored by exiled Iranians in gatherings in Europe, the US, and Canada. Participants expressed support to their compatriots in Iran. At rallies and demonstrations, the regime’s crimes, instances of widespread suppression, arrests, torture and hanging of dissident youths were also exposed.


Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance on Thursday gathered in Paris’ famous human rights square Place de Trocadéro calling on the EU to sever ties with the regime.


In Copenhagen, a protest gathering was staged across from the Amnesty International headquarters. A picture gallery carried images from the recent people’s uprising as well as its victims. Visitors and locals expressed hatred at the regime’s crimes and sympathized with protests in Iran. Demonstrators chanted, “Freedom is the cry of every Iranian,” “Death to dictator,” and “Death to Khamenei.”


Across from the clerical regime’s embassy in London, Iranians demonstrated to call for international condemnation of the regime’s brutal massacre of Iranian youth. And, across from the Iraqi embassy, other Iranians protested for the 114th day against the intensified siege on Ashraf City, where close to 3,400 members of the main Iranian opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), reside. Food transfer to Ashraf residents has been banned for days, an inhumane act vehemently detested by protestors in London.

Father Frank Nally, SSC, spoke at the gathering in support of the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people as well as Ashraf residents. He said, “I have come here to express my support for you. The Iranian regime is attempting to destroy Ashraf and its residents, and it is entirely unacceptable for the fate of the residents to be placed in the hands of the ruling mullahs in Iran. Ashraf residents must enjoy all the basic and refugee rights. Our church supports the Iranian people’s nationwide resistance. We also support Ashraf. Ashraf is the symbol of the Iranian people’s hopes.”

The Netherlands

On Wednesday, supporters of the Iranian Resistance gathered in front of the Hague tribunal and the memorial of martyrs of Dutch resistance against the Nazi occupation. In addition to a list of victims and detainees, the demonstrators also presented information and pictures of the regime’s three-member death committee, which has been tasked with the trial of the recent uprising detainees. Iranians demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all the detainees, and also called for the trial of the members of the regime’s death committee for crimes against humanity. Two of the committee’s officials were also involved in the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran.


In Berlin, Iranian Resistance supporters gathered across from the old cathedral Gedachtniskirche and honored the July 9, 1999 uprising and its victims. Demonstrators chanted, “Damned Khamenei: the nation’s enemy,” and “The regime of criminals must be overthrown.”


In Stockholm, Iranian exiles staged their gathering in front of the Sergelstorg Square, where they chanted, “Death to Khamenei,” “Death to dictator,” “End ties with the mullahs,” and “Expel the clerical regime from the UN.”

In Gothenburg, the fifteenth protest gathering was held by Iranian Resistance supporters on Wednesday. Iranians supported the recent uprising and expressed support for Ashraf City.

The demonstrators in Gothenburg also asked all governments to cut political and diplomatic ties with the clerical regime until suppression in Iran has been completely halted. In addition to asking for comprehensive diplomatic, arms, trade, and technological embargoes on the Iranian regime, they also demanded the referral of the regime officials’ crimes dossier to the UN Security Council. They said that until their demands are met, such demonstrations will continue.

A similar demonstration was held in city of Båros in support of the popular protests in Iran against the Iranian regime, which was greeted by Swedish locals.


Iranians held gatherings in the cities of Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto. In Montreal, exiles demonstrated at Phillips Square, chanting in Farsi, English, and French. Some of the chants included: “Freedom yes, massacre no,” “Down with absolute clerical rule,” “Death to Dictator,” “Iranians die, but will never succumb to humiliation,” and “We are men and women of war, fight and we will fight.”

In Ottawa, a demonstration took place in front of the federal Parliament building, in which Iranians sought recognition for resistance for freedom in Iran, and an end to ties with the clerical regime.

In Toronto, Resistance sympathizers staged a demonstration at the city center and expressed support and solidarity with protestors in Iran. They also condemned the blockade on food transfer to Ashraf City, and demanded the recognition of Ashraf residents’ rights and lifting of the siege against them.