Iranian executions condemned

The Church of England Newspaper – January 30th, 2011
An Iranian Christian group has condemned the executions of two Iranians this week.

On Monday, both Jafar Kazemi, 47, and Mohammad Ali Haj-Aqai, 62, were executed at Evin Prison in Tehran. They were accused of being affiliated with the anti-government movement known as the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI) and were executed under the “Moharebeh” – the agent which deals with those deemed ‘enemies of God’.


A protest led by Iranians was also held outside the Iranian embassy this week and a letter was delivered to the Foreign Secretary calling on him to condemn the executions.

Laila Jazayeri, Director of Anglo-Iranian Women in the UK Christian Committee in Support of Camp Ashraf Residents, condemned the executions.

She said: “The fact that in the 21st century people are executed including women and children in Iran under the name of God and religion is indeed appalling.”

Both the men died despite several appeals by Amnesty International and other humanitarian organisations as well as Mrs Hillary Clinton’s statement on August 10 last year, expressing her concern about the plight of Kazemi and Ali Haj-Aqai.

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