Iranian dissident group is viable opposition- U.S. congressmen

The meeting between the US Congress delegation and the Iranian resistance leader in Paris was reflected extensively by the press and media.
Reuters news agency reported on Sunday 17th of February: “Four U.S. congressmen met an Iranian dissident leader on Sunday and urged President Barack Obama to treat her group as an alternative to Tehran’s government, four months after its removal from a list of terrorist organisations.”
“The bipartisan group pressed Obama to talk to the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) rather than Tehran, after Iran’s highest authority rebuffed an offer of talks by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden.”
Reuters quoting from the ending statement of the US congressional delegation continued: “The Administration should be talking to members of the Iranian opposition, as our delegation did today, instead of fruitless talks with the Iranian rulers.”

The famous Parisian Journal marked the meeting as a turning point in relations between the US and the Iranian resistance since it was only last September that PMOI was taken off the black list in the United states.
The Parisian reported the statement of the delegation at the end of the meeting. It also noted that the delegation discussed ways to counter the threat posed by the Iranian regime for peace and security in the world, the failure of negotiations on nuclear power to contain the nuclear weapons program of Iran, serious human rights violations and the growing discontent in the country.

Al Arabiya News channel in a report about the meeting wrote at its website: U.S. lawmakers chide Obama for not protecting Iranian dissidents
Al Arabiya focusing on the recent attack on camp liberty which was one of the main issues at the meeting, emphasized: A congressional delegation led by Dana Rohrabacher, chairman of the Republican-controlled House subcommittee on Europe, said that the Obama administration should not have backed the movement of members of Iranian dissident group Mujahadin-e-Khalq, or MEK, to a place where they would not be safe.”

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