Iranian Campaigner was an inspiration to many

BARNET & POTTERS BAR TIMES – Thank you for the article by Miriam Craig dedicated to Dr Mandana Alijani (Iranian campaigner loses cancer fight’, April 12).
She was a true fighter and an inspiration. I am in my fifth and penultimate year of study at Royal Free and University College Med-ical School (RFUCMS) and Mandana not only inspired me in the field of medicine but in the field of humanity and justice.

She battled against cancer as strongly as she battled the war against fundamentalism and terrorism committed by the mullahs in Iran.

 She will be forever remembered, admired and loved by people all over the world, and I have vowed to never be silent or inactive in the struggle for freedom in Iran, and against all the agents of the mullahs’ regime who try to taint the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran.
Many thanks, once again.

Hoda Hosseini Engel Park, Mill Hill

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