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Iran: World must unite against fundamentalist terrorist threats from Iran – dissident Ayatollah

Ayatollah Jalal GanjeiNCRI, November 1 – The following is the text of a speech by Ayatollah Jalal Ganjei, chair of the NCRI committee on religious freedom in a conference at the UK Parliament on October 27. He explained the outlook of fundamentalists on world affairs and their ominous intention to dominate the world:

I would like to note that the phrase, “fundamentalist threat,” is an expression that is obsolete today.

Reason being that the world is in point of fact suffering from this phenomenon just now. Life in London, in the London Underground and buses, as life in New York and Washington DC, are already unsafe; just as we saw in Madrid, Sharm al-Sheikh, Indonesia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, and in particular in Iraq.

So it is quite sad that the victims of this phenomenon cannot yet clearly discern the root cause of this attack and stare at it with incredulity. This is while Ahmadinejad, President of the Iranian regime, declares that the flames of this fireball will soon engulf the world. Yesterday, Ahmadinejad declared in a symposium for terrorists gathered in Iran, that they will soon wipe their enemies off the face of the earth, alluding to Israel, but of course targeting human civilisation in actuality. But we must remember that this same Ahmadinejad is only a freshman in Khomeini’s school of thought. His assertions are not new and in fact it is a quarter of century since the terrorist mullahs in Tehran have publicly declared these assertions and what is more, they have created the necessary organisations for bringing their nightmare to its present global dimensions.

Veteran students of Khomeini’s school of thought had said the same before but the world had not paid attention. In May 1990, Rafsanjani said: “When we draw up our strategy, we must look to expansion.” The Commander of the Revolutionary Guards Corps in July of 1991, Mohsen Rezaii, said: “One day the wrath and disgust of Moslems will ignite fires in Washington.” The source of all these world threatening slogans was Khomeini himself.

In February 1981, only two years after the Iranian revolution, Khomeini declared in his famous will and testament: “Moslems of the world rise! Take power into your hands and move towards an Islamic government with free republics.” Khomeini had from the start of his rule created several institutions to bring together what he called liberation movements. Iranian television showed images of masked men beginning in that era. This was a policy that was later formally named as “policy of expansion.” It is not without reason that all Islamic fundamentalist terrorist organisations were formed after the rise of the Khomeini regime in Iran.

The world was suddenly faced with a wave of terrorism, kidnappings, hijackings, and setting fire to the Kabbah. The killing of scores of American soldiers in Beirut was only one incident. But the West thought negotiation was the preferred method. So it was that Western governments closed their eyes to the assassination of Iranian resistance activists on their soil and escorted the terrorists despatched from Iran to European airports to be sent in peace to Tehran.

In the mullahs’ strategy, in contrast to the policy of the Soviet Comintern, it was not important that the various terrorist fundamentalist groups were not under a unified command. Of course, the Khomeini regime has created and funded so many civilian, cultural, aid organisations to support the export of fundamentalism that there is almost no Mosque, association, or Islamic personality with an extremist inclination that is not in some direct or indirect way under the Iranian regime’s wings. I can assure you that there is not one Iranian embassy or representation in the world today that doesn’t have support of extremist fundamentalist groups as one of its duties.

The goal of all these organisations and missions is to multiply the Khomeinist model and strategy. Many fundamentalist terrorists are so anti-Shi’ite that they cannot normally be followers of Khomeini but they are all followers of the model he created. The tenets of this model are as follows:

First and foremost: A totalitarian quest for power that seeks to establish an Islamic empire notwithstanding any limits, not even those set by the Quran or the practices of the Prophet Mohammed. In January of 1988, Khomeini told his then president, Ali Khamenei: “The vali faqih (meaning the patriarch of the Islamic faith) can unilaterally abrogate all religious conventions and prevent anything in Islam related to worship or not.”

Second: Whoever opposes this anti-Islamic Islamicism is an outsider to the religion, an infidel or hypocrite. So it was that progressive Moslems in Iran were called hypocrites and Khomeini’s first prime minister retracted all his criticisms for fear of being branded as an infidel.

Third: Any crime or murder that furthers the goal of totalitarian power is justified and in fact necessary. In the massacre of Iranian political prisoners in 1988, Khomeini ordered the murder of thousands of innocents. This was a precedent, after which September 11 happened, and then Madrid, and then London, and the rest of the world. An Islamic religious text from two centuries ago, Jawaher al-Oloum, which has been a favourite of Khomeini’s, writes: “If victory cannot be attained other than by poisoning the water supply of the enemy’s cities and towns, then this is permissible.” Therefore, it is absurd that some like to take Khamenei and Khatami for their word when they purport that a nuclear bomb is for them religiously forbidden.

All Islamic terrorist groups – Shi’ite or Sunni – share the same three principles. Their unity against a common enemy and for a common goal must not be doubted. They enjoy the political and propaganda support of the regime in Iran. The regime’s financial and military support for them is also something that the secret services must be aware of and is today receiving greater attention in the press.

Up until now, the West has dealt with the regime in Tehran through appeasement. It has sent a message to the terrorists that if you have power you will be tolerated. But we can no longer doubt that the only effective solution to Islamic terrorism, is to defeat the model that the regime in Tehran represents. Anything short of that will lead to the take-over of Iraq with its Shi’ite majority, and an oil monopoly in the hands of terrorists. Add to that the fact that the Saudi oil fields are also in Shi’ite populated areas and all the oil fields of the Gulf region are within range of Iranian missiles. To top it off, the mullahs are preparing to build the nuclear bomb.

We believe that today as the world is engulfed with terrorist attacks, the Iranian regime is the source of danger, and must be dealt with and defeated. In the least, we cannot allow this terrorism to misuse Islam against global security. We should not allow the naiveté that these totalitarian power grabbers are representative of Islam or that their crimes are Islamic Jihad to continue.

The world needs true Moslems to present the alternative model, which in our belief is rooted in genuine Islamic faith and the practices of the Prophet Mohammed. We cannot be content with token steps here. The world must recognise Moslems, who defend freedom, tolerance, and religious equality in their actions; who defend democracy and human rights as a religious duty; who champion gender equality and are truly against all forms of discrimination, suppression and inhuman punishments.

We are here to say that such Moslems do exist in the Iranian resistance movement. We pray to God that others like us will organise in other parts of the world and raise their voices against the mullahs’ regime.

Khomeini and his mullahs’ have long admitted that the Iranian resistance movement is their greatest threat. Conversely, it stands clear, that any pressure applied to the Iranian resistance and the Mojahedin-e-Khalq at its centre, can only serve the fundamentalist terrorists and the source of this terrorism which is the model that Tehran represents today. Ladies and gentlemen, your support is instrumental in controlling the firestorm of Islamic terrorism that threatens the world today and I commend you for that.