Iran Uses Retirement Funds to Evade Sanctions

Stop Fundamentalism – Iranian opposition sources revealed yesterday in Brussels that the clerical government of Iran is using front companies in Europe to evade European sanctions established to persuade it to set aside its suspicious nuclear program.
The Iranian opposition, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) told Belgian “Le Soir” that Iran is using an “Oil Pension Fund Investment Company” as a cover to circumvent nuclear sanctions.

The company would allow Iran’s Revolutionary Guards commander Ahmad Dastjerdi, an IRGC Brigadier General, to legally do business in the international market. Such access would allow Dastjerdi to acquire the necessary technology for Iran’s missile and nuclear program that otherwise would be forbidden for sale to Iran by sanctions.
Dastjerdi in Reality has nothing to do with Iran’s oil industry let alone retirement matters, says La Soir.
Brigadier General Dastjerdi, for years, has been the head of Iran’s Air and Space industry which is the body involved in advancing Iranian regime’s missile and nuclear warhead technology.
The European Union established new stronger sanctions against Iran yesterday targeting the country’s banking system and also imposed an all around gas embargo.
The Mujahedin-e Kalq (MEK) which is the main Iranian opposition movement in exile having recently been removed from United States foreign terrorist organizations list aims to overthrow the Iranian clerical regime in order to establish a democratic government. Its leader, President Maryam Rajvai, hailed the new expanded sanctions yesterday calling it “an essential step to preclude this regime from acquiring nuclear weapons.”
Rajvai urged the European countries to break all commercial and economic ties with the Iranian government.

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