Wednesday, July 17, 2024
HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIran-UK: Time for UK government to side with Iranian people - Rajavi

Iran-UK: Time for UK government to side with Iranian people – Rajavi

Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of IranNCRI, LONDON – Addressing some 30 pre-eminent British Parliamentarians and renowned jurists in a symposium at the Houses of Parliament today, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran called for practical steps to de-proscribe the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran. The following is the full text of her message to the symposium:
Let me begin by thanking the initiators of the statement "A Call for Justice" and organisers of this seminar. This statement is a historic declaration symbolising the human being conscious for justice. Your declaration and the extensive participation of members of both Houses of Parliament in this seminar is an effort to defend values and human being achievements. Your statement is the voice of law and justice.
Accusing the prime victims of terrorism as terrorist for political and economical interest is a great injustice.  Legal opinion by most distinguished international jurists make it explicitly clear the terror tag on the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran has no legal basis. the 16 month long investigation by coalition forces in Iraq confirms the fact that the organisation has no link with terrorism.
The Iranian Resistance condemn terrorism in all its shape. In our view, any acts that might harm innocent people, under what ever pretext it might have been conducted, are condemned. However, under the name of combating terrorism, questioning the legitimate resistance of a nation is deplorable and must be stopped.
Terror tag on the PMOI has had devastating consequences that must be immediately stopped. The consequences are as follow:
1.    It has emboldened the Iranian regime in suppression and violation of human rights. They use it to justify executions of those affiliated with the PMOI.
2.    It was the justification for making deal to bomb PMOI bases in Iraq by the coalition forces, which led to dozens being killed.
3.    It has denied the Iranian people of the sacred right to resistance against tyranny.
4.    It has harmed the capability of the pivotal force of the Resistance and is the main obstacle to Iranian people struggle against religious and terrorist dictatorship ruling Iran.
5.    This injustice is a major blow to the rule of law, an independent judiciary and fundamental rights such as the right to defence and presumption of innocence in the United Kingdom and democratic societies.
6.    It has harmed the fight against terrorism and has been a great help to mullahs export of terrorism and fundamentalism. Because, the PMOI with its democratic and tolerant vision of Islam is the antidote to fundamentalism and terrorism emanated from it.
Terror tag on the PMOI is the by-product of the failed policy of appeasement of the mullahs’ regime. Continuing the PMOI proscription is nothing by more concession to the mullahs with serious consequences both for the region and world peace. The EU policy of appeasement has let to rise in power of the most hardline faction of the regime. Since Ahmadinejad became mullahs’ president, the regime has stepped up domestic suppression, hardened its determination to acquire nuclear weapon, and increased its muddling in Iraq.
The policy of appeasement must be stopped. It is time for the UK government to side with the Iranian people. Change in Iran is a necessity and will be realized by Iranian people and their organised resistance.
I thank you once again for all your efforts in support of the Iranian resistance and call up on you to take practical steps to de-proscribe the PMOI.
I am certain that with our joint efforts justice will prevail.