Iran-UK: Take People’s Mojahedin off terror list – British parliamentarians

British Parliament


Press Association, LONDON – A group of parliamentarians today called on the Government to lift its ban on an Iranian opposition group.

The People’s Mojahedin of Iran was proscribed by former Home Secretary David
Blunkett under anti-terrorism legislation in 2001 because of allegations that it had links to terror.

Some 279 MPs and 126 peers of all parties signed a statement released today, calling for the removal of the PMOI’s terror tag, which they said was "the most important impediment" to democratic change in Iran.
Lord Corbett of Castle Vale, chairman of the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom said: "The only reason the PMOI was proscribed was in a shabby deal to please the mullahs.
"The policy of appeasement is in ruins as Iran moves nearer to developing nuclear weapons and continues its gross interference in Iraq."
Today’s statement from the committee said that the Government’s policy of
engagement with the Tehran regime had failed to promote moderate factions, as was hoped.
"To continue appeasement of the mullahs at this time would be gambling with the security and stability of the Middle East," said the statement. "The solution to the Iranian problem is democratic change by relying on the Iranian people and resistance."
Maryam Rajavi, the president elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran spoke to a conference in the House of Commons by satellite link.
She said: "Two decades of appeasement played a key role in the rise to power of the most radical factions of the regime. Appeasement led the mullahs to conclude that the international community lacks the will to deal with them.
"Through this statement, Parliament is showing its support for taking the Mojahedin off the terror list. Parliament wants an end to the policy of appeasement of the mullahs. It declares support for democratic change by the people of Iran and the Iranian Resistance."

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