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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIran-UK: Stop mullahs' appeasement, Iranian people and resistance will bring democratic change

Iran-UK: Stop mullahs’ appeasement, Iranian people and resistance will bring democratic change

Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
NCRI – In a message to the British Parliamentarians on December 13, welcoming support for removal of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran from the terrorism list by a large number of MPs and Peers, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran said: “History will not judge kindly those who have turned a blind eye on the suppression of the Iranian people and allowed the regime to develop nuclear weapons.” Full text of her message is as follows:

On behalf of the Iranian Resistance I salute you.

I also thank you for your tireless efforts in support of freedom and democracy in my country.

Your "Statement on Iran" is a declaration of solidarity with the Iranian people and Resistance.
Petitioning the Houses of Parliament to redress grievances and to uphold justice is an ancient tradition in Britain.
Your statement today is the response by the British Parliament to the injustice against the Iranian people and their Resistance. This injustice was the terror tag against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran.
1,300 British jurists and lawyers two weeks ago and 279 members of the House of Commons and 125 Peers today make the same demand: De-proscribe the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran.
This is a unique consensus.
The jurists declared that there was no legal basis for putting the Mojahedin on the terrorist list.
Indeed, right from the beginning, this terror tag was part of the policy of appeasement of the mullahs’ regime.
If, until now, only the Iranian people have suffered from this policy, now its fall-out is reaching the region and the whole world.
Only a few days ago, in his speech to the Organisation of Islamic Conference, mullahs’ president revealed the evil goals of his regime. He openly called for a global fundamentalist empire under the pretext of “Union of Islamic States.”
Sadly, this is the result of the policy of appeasement by Western governments. These governments failed to listen to the Iranian people and Resistance. They also failed to listen to the European people, whose opinions are represented by you and your colleagues in other countries.
Over the past decade you have repeatedly warned about the consequences of the policy of appeasement.
You have said time and again that making concessions will only make the mullahs demand more and more. You have said that the terror tag on the PMOI must be removed and put around the neck of the mullahs. You have said that blaming the victim rather than the villain only helps the mullahs to shed more blood in Iran and abroad.
Now, history has proved you were right. Two decades of appeasement played a key role in the rise to power of the most radical factions of the regime. 
Appeasement led the mullahs to conclude that the international community lacks the will to deal with them. It led them to believe that they do not have to answer for their crimes against the Iranian people or their support for terrorism.
And it made them think that the world will put up with a religious dictatorship with atomic bombs. The regime’s president said in October that when they re-started work at Isfahan’s nuclear facility, "at first, the West made a lot of noise about it, but soon they were made to sit down quietly”.
He also said, “When I was in New York [for the UN General Assembly], the British asked me not to bring up the issue of uranium enrichment in my speech. This shows that the West is afraid and is much weaker than it pretends.”
Since then, in response to more concessions from the West, the Iranian regime has hardened its position. The regime is now talking about starting enrichment in Natanz nuclear site. Just a few days ago, Mr. ElBaradei said that if that happened, the regime would be only a few months away from nuclear weapons. Yet, European governments continue to pursue the policy of appeasement.
Your statement and others around the world show that there is a global move against appeasement of mullahs and for democracy in Iran. Now it’s time for the Government to listen to Parliament.
Your statement is the voice of the people of Great Britain; calling for change in the policy towards Iran. Through this statement, Parliament is showing its support for taking the Mojahedin off the terror list. Parliament wants an end to the policy of appeasement of the mullahs. It declares support for democratic change by the people of Iran and the Iranian Resistance.
Let me also say a few words to those who stand against the demands of Parliament:
Appeasing the mullahs and keeping the terror tag on the Mojahedin will lead to a disaster. With every passing day, the world loses more opportunity to deal with the mullahs’ threat. History will not judge kindly those who have turned a blind eye on the suppression of the Iranian people and allowed the regime to develop nuclear weapons.
Dear friends,
In the Iranian Resistance, the mullahs see the end of their regime. The mullahs know the extent of popular support for the Iranian Resistance.
They have spared no effort to destroy the Resistance. They have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on a huge campaign to demonize the Resistance.
I have said it time and again that change in Iran does not need a foreign military attack. To those governments I say, stop helping the regime. The Iranian Resistance will bring about that change.
In the name of the great nation of Iran and on behalf of a Resistance with 120,000 martyrs of freedom, I urge the British Government and the European Union to recognize the right of the Iranian people for resistance.
To Remove the main barrier for change in Iran by de-listing the Mojahedin. To send Iran’s human rights, terrorism and nuclear files to the UN Security Council. And to stop this regime from using trade and diplomatic ties against the Iranian people.
Once again, I thank all Members of Parliament for their support for the Iranian Resistance. The people of Iran will always remember those who stood up in their support in one of the darkest periods of their history.