Iran: UK Parliamentarians condemn Ahmadinejad, support Iranian Resistance



NCRI, November 1 – Members of both Houses of Parliament in Britain and representatives of human rights organizations joined in a conference on Thursday, October 27, to call for removal of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran from the terror list.
Speakers condemned Ahmadinejad’s remarks on Wednesday as a threat to world peace and security and once again expressed their support for democratic change in Iran through Iranian people and their resistance.
Reporting on the meeting The Associated Press, wrote: “Two legislators who support Iran’s resistance movement on Thursday accused Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and other Western leaders of ignoring the terrorist threat from Tehran, and urging action before that country develops nuclear weapons.” The report added that Lord Corbett accused Straw of spending "three wasted years capitulating to the mullahs," along with leaders in the United States and Europe.
Corbett’s comments came a day after Iranian President Mahmoud  Ahmadinejad told students in Iran’s capital, Tehran, that Israel should be "wiped off the map."
"We have this phony president daring to stand up and call supporters to engage in acts of terrorism," Corbett said of Ahmadinejad.
AP quoted Andrew Mackinlay, a legislator and member of the British Foreign Affairs Committee, who said he hoped Straw had learned that "appeasement does not pay."
"We need to signal firm resolve. We need to befriend those who are trying to bring democracy and freedom to Iran," Mackinlay said.
According to the AP report, Shahram Taromsari, chairman of the Association of Iranian Academics, suggested that fundamentalists would be prepared to use nuclear weapons. "How can we contain a group of people who are willing to kill themselves?" he asked, referring to suicide bombers.

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