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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIran-Torture: Victim of torture appeals for international solidarity to free Iran

Iran-Torture: Victim of torture appeals for international solidarity to free Iran

ImageNCRI, October 1 – On the 20th anniversary of the Swedish center for victims of torture, the Red Cross branch of Sweden held a seminar inviting members of the Iranian Resistance who have experienced severe tortures in prisons in Iran.

Mr. Behzad Naziri, a member of the NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee and Mr. Mostafa Naderi gave detailed accounts of their experience.

In his remarks, Mr. Naziri said: During your life you have certainly met numerous people tortured under different conditions. Physical as well as psychological scars of torture remains with the victim for years, or perhaps for the rest of his or her life, and he has to tolerate it in a variety of ways.”

He spoke of a specific experience and said: “There are hundreds of tortured women and men who are working in the ranks of the Iranian Resistance, to free their country from the religious tyranny and establish democracy.  A number of these women and men live in a camp named Ashraf in Iraq, which has taken the shape of a city. Their efforts are devoted to achieve a society devoid of torture, an Iran freed from the clutches of a regime which not only tortures political and ordinary prisoners, but also the whole population under different forms. These efforts make each of us forget those physical and psychological scars to a great extent, and live with high hopes.

He ended by appealing to participants and said: “We need your solidarity and your support for our struggle to establish democracy in Iran, a country devoid of torture and where we could heal the wounds of thousands and thousands of our tortured compatriots.”