Iran: Time for UN to stop Iranian regime’s terror

NCRI – Lord Clarke of Hampstead, former chairman of the British Labor Party spoke to the SYMPOSIUM OF PARLIAMENTARIANS & JURISTS in London on November 29, entitled “Iran: Time for Change – Terrorist Lists: A Review.” The following are excerpts of his remarks:
When we look at the two themes on the title for the meeting. A time for change! A time for change, as I have said before, for a long while is gone. The time for change went several years ago. The time for change was when the first brutality started by the regime in Iran. It’s too long. Together with the Iranian people we have waited for a change that is so urgently needed.
At the present time, there is an abundance of evidence to support our call for a change of the wicked and inhumane regime in Iran. Evidence of brutality, evidence of executions, evidence of widespread abuse of human rights, evidence of the pursuit of a nuclear capability, something that has been mentioned and that should frighten every one of us. Evidence of the export of terrorism, evidence of the interference in Iraq.
The clerical regime is trying its utmost to interfere in the Iraqi elections. It has actually set up a headquarters to deal with all aspects of the elections. The supreme leader, Ali Khamenei has stated that the elections are both fine, as far as the regime is concerned and that the regime should have its way. In other words, before a vote is cast, they are saying it is in the interests of the mullahs to get the result they want.
Interestingly enough here, the British government through it’s Embassy in Iraq has a direct responsibility in the holding of elections in Iraq and our government must provide the necessary guarantees to prevent Iranian meddling in the elections because Tehran is bent on engaging in fraud to get the desired results.
So we have a unique position, and the Embassy must be very watchful and be prepared to expose anything that they find that would substantiate the allegations that we are dealing with here today. The regime is trying to either intimidate, offer bribes and use force, threaten religious fatwa’s to coerce people to vote and it is scandalous.
It has tried to take control of the electoral commission, its used its influx in the Interior Ministry and other organs to try to stuff the ballot boxes. Now we have heard an awful lot about stuffing the ballot boxes in various parts of the world. The British government will be a watchful eye on what goes on in Iraq. It has also tried to influence the boxes that have been transferred and there is even suggestions that there have been boxes of ballot papers ready as a substitute for those that have been cast in the normal way. They have offered huge sums of money to people to have been running the elections. They have threatened to assassinate officials who have refused to co-operate, and they are trying to eliminate a number of candidates who do not see their point of view.
So the evidence is there. We don’t need anybody else to tell us that there is a reason for these people to still operate. There is no reason on god’s earth that this regime should be allowed to continue. No shortage of evidence whatsoever. Surely the international community can see that the regime should change following the elections. We thought that they would change. Everybody thought it, the commentators were saying there would be some sort of democracy. In fact, the evidence indicates it has become even more repressive. A cursory examination of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s record shows that he is a thug, a crook, a criminal and he has little respect for human life. A record of both torture and execution in Iran’s prisons.
Is it any wonder that the sham elections were largely boycotted by about 60 per cent of eligible voters? Many countries are working hard to bring peace to the Middle East. A region that has been troubled for a very long time. What does the new president do? He openly states his desire to annihilate the only democratic state in the Middle East. His remarks about his true intentions towards Israel bought instant condemnation in the world and quite rightly so. But still, we have this idea that the government of our country supports the idea of proscribing the voice of freedom in Iran, the Iranian people are trying very hard to change.
For many years, Madam Rajavi and the NCRI have warned the world about the mullahs. Their role in financing and organising the spread of fanatical fundamentalism and combined with the export of terrorism. Yes it is time. It is time for the United Nations to consider now new ideas to stop these evil people led by an evil man, from perpetrating terror in their own and other countries. Yes it’s time for renewed efforts by all of us.
In calling for a change we should again pay tribute to Madam Rajavi for her inspired leadership of the resistance. Her bravery is an example to us all. I wish her and her colleague’s every success. May they and the world see an end to repression in Iran.

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