Iran: The MEK and NCRI Supporters Paid Homage to PS752 Downing Anniversary


Today dozens of European capitals witnessed gatherings and protests by the freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

The MEK and NCRI supporters paid homage to Mohammad Mehdi Karami and Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, two detained protesters hanged today at dawn, by putting flowers on their pictures. The members of the Iranian diaspora, like the risen people in Iranian cities, chanted, “To the blood of our dear fellow, we shall continue till the end.”

They called on the world community to cut all ties with the ruling theocracy and hold the regime and its criminal leaders accountable for four decades of crimes against humanity.

These demonstrations were held also on the third anniversary of the downing of a passenger jet PS752 by the regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), which killed all 176 innocent passengers aboard.

The MEK supporters and freedom-loving Iranians held their protests despite the cold winter across Europe. Much like the uprising in Iran, in the cities of The Hague, Cologne, Munich, Heidelberg, Berlin, and Vienna, Iranian youths were actively participating. They vowed to make all possible efforts to be the voice of Iran’s rebellious youth back home.

the MEK and NCRI supporters also supported the Iranian people’s call for a democratic country by calling out the regime’s Supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, and chanting slogans such as “Death to the dictator, be it Shah or the [supreme] leader.”

They carried large banners urging the world community to recognize the Iranian people’s right to self-defense vis-à-vis the regime’s mounting violence.

The MEK and NCRI supporters also paid tribute to all victims of the genocidal regime, including over 30,000 political prisoners massacred in the summer of 1988, over 750 slain protesters of the current uprising, PS752 flight’s victims, and 1500 martyrs of Iran’s nationwide uprising in November 2019.


The nationwide Iran uprising began in September 2022 following the tragic murder of a young Kurdish woman in police custody in Tehran. Demonstrations soon turned nationwide, with people targeting the regime in its entirety. Despite the regime’s efforts to crack down on protests, they have persisted and morphed into a revolution. This shows a nation’s unwavering determination for democratic change. The latter fact is largely attributed to the ongoing efforts and bravery of the MEK’s “Resistance Units” network, acting as the uprising’s major driving force.

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