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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIran: The clerical regime's foreign minister's trip to Scandinavia was a defeat

Iran: The clerical regime’s foreign minister’s trip to Scandinavia was a defeat

NCRI – Manouchehr Mottaki, the Iranian foreign minister could have predicted the protests of Iranian dissidents when he decided to travel to Scandinavia. But without any doubt, the extent of these protests and the effect and media coverage in the Norwegian and Swedish political circles must have surprised him.

Supporters of the National Council of Resistance and Iranians residing in Sweden demonstrated in Stockholm on Monday May 7th. They blamed the Swedish government for inviting Mottaki.

NCRI – Manouchehr Mottaki, the Iranian foreign minister could have predicted the protests of Iranian dissidents when he decided to travel to Scandinavia. But without any doubt, the extent of these protests and the effect and media coverage in the Norwegian and Swedish political circles must have surprised him.

Supporters of the National Council of Resistance and Iranians residing in Sweden demonstrated in Stockholm on Monday May 7th. They blamed the Swedish government for inviting Mottaki.

Iranians were not alone in these protests and they were joined by the President of Lawyers without Borders Organization, Kent Lewis as well as the Stockholm professor of Philosophy, Gösta Grönroos and Attorney Erik Wahlberg a member of Free Iran society.

Protestors considered Mottaki’s presence as a green light for more suppression, torture and execution of Iranian people.

A photo exhibition of the Mullahs crimes was set up near the protest. A lot of Swedish people were shocked finding out from the protestors that the Iranian foreign minister who was a guest of their government has been involved in kidnapping dissidents. 

Protests in Norway got underway long before Mottaki got there.

The deputy director of the Progressive Youth Party, Ouveh Vonbou, invited people to take part in the demonstrations against Mottaki’s trip. He wrote: “The Iranian regime has violated and continues to violate human rights. It is unfortunate that the Norwegian government recognizes the Iranian regime.”

In an article published in Aftenposten, the most prestigious newspaper in the country, Morten Hoglund, the foreign affairs spokesman for the Progressive Party in Norwegian Parliament wrote:  “There is no need for Norway to strengthen ties with a regime that executes teenagers and girls who have been raped, and stones to death .”

In a letter to the foreign minister, the youth organization of the Liberal party also made public its fury: “The youth organization of the Liberal Party will keep distance from the Iranian regime and criticizes the Foreign Minister for choosing to invite Manouchehr Mottaki, the Iranian foreign minister as a guest.”  The letter continues,” The youth organization of the Liberal party invites the government and the foreign minister to actively support the Iranian Resistance movement to establish a secular, democratic and peaceful Iran.”

The protest against Mullah’s foreign minister did not end with political demonstrations. An Iranian dissident by the name of Abol-Hassan Mojtahed-Zadeh filed a complaint with the Oslo government against Mottaki. He presented documents showing how Mottaki as the Iranian ambassador to Turkey led a kidnapping operation. Mojtahedzadeh was kidnapped by the Iranian Embassy’s officials in that operation. Police discovered and stopped the plot when he was being transported to Iran in the trunk of a car.

On May 8th, Iranian dissidents demonstrated in front of the Norwegian foreign ministry in Oslo. The protest took place in front of the building where Mottaki was meeting the Foreign Minister. As a result, Mottaki had to leave using the back door. Members of youth organizations of the Liberal party, the Progressive party, People’s Christian party and the Conservative party attended the protest in solidarity,.

The next day, there was a similar protest in Copenhagen. The Iranian’s fury followed Mottaki wherever he went. In front of the Danish foreign ministry they were shouting, “Why are you letting a terrorist in here?”

NCRI representative in Nordic countries, Parviz Khazaei spoke to the protest about the defeat of Mottaki’s trip to Scandinavian countries. This was confirmed by Scandinavian prestigious media.

Aftenposten wrote, “Norway rejected Iran’s marriage proposal…Manouchehr Mottaki’s cheap demeanor did not get him anywhere with the Norwegian foreign minister and Parliament. On the contrary, the exiled Iranians clearly displayed their message of protest.” This newspaper adds, “The Norwegian foreign minister presented his counter-part with a list of problems such as human rights situation in Iran, Iranian women’s position in the Justice system, Use of increased suppressive methods against the dissident voices and Iran’s suspicious nuclear program.”