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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIran-Terrorism: Combat terrorism rooted in fundamentalism at its heart, Iran - Paris...

Iran-Terrorism: Combat terrorism rooted in fundamentalism at its heart, Iran – Paris seminar

Paris seminar on terrorismNCRI, November 18 – On the initiative of the International Center for Research on Terrorism and aid to victims of terrorism, several experts on terrorism from the United States, Russia, France and Algeria participated in a seminar in Paris. Entitled “Terrorism, Fundamentalism, Prospects and Solutions,” the meeting was to discuss the roots of this dangerous phenomenon with particular reference to the Iranian regime.
In the meantime the French dignitaries in the seminar announced the formation of the “Committee in Defense of Democratic Change in Iran.”
Chaired by Yves Bonnet, former MP and head of the French counter-terrorism, the seminar was held in three sessions. In his opening remarks he expressed support to the Iranian Resistance and reiterated that it was a legitimate movement and called for its removal from the U.S. and the EU terrorist lists.
State sponsored terrorism was the subject of the first session of the seminar. Dr. Saleh Rajavi, representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in France and Switzerland, took up the issue and outlined the four pillars of mullahs’ state terrorism as being:
–    Brutal persistent suppression inside Iran,
–    Export of Islamic fundamentalism abroad,
–    Export of crises to the region and worldwide including interference in the Middle-East peace process,
–    Allocation of extensive funds and facilities to acquire nuclear weapons.
“For mullahs’ regime, absence of any one of the above pillars would lead to its total collapse,” Dr. Rajavi stressed. In another part of his remarks he elaborated on the regime’s meddling in Iraq and its export of fundamentalism to that country. He concluded that the heart of fundamentalism beats in Tehran and it is the center for terrorism and if it acquired nuclear weapons, he warned, it would pose the most serious threat to the world peace and security. He called for immediate action by the international community and removal of all restrictions imposed on the Iranian Resistance.
In the second session of the seminar the speakers agreed that Islamic fundamentalism was a source of terrorism. Referring to recent heinous remarks by Ahmadinejad, president of the clerical regime, they reiterated that Islamic fundamentalism had nothing to do with Islam.
The third session dealt with the prospects and solutions. In a video message to the seminar by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the NCRI, she underlined the clerical regime’s role in spreading this ominous phenomenon. “The terrorism which is threatening the world from New York to London, Madrid to Balli and the Middle-East is the creation of Islamic fundamentalism, therefore, combating terrorism cannot be separated from the fight against its root cause, namely Islamic fundamentalism.” Mrs. Rajavi described ruling mullahs in Iran as the biggest enemy of Islam and blamed the policy of appeasement toward mullahs’ regime as the main reason for growth of terrorism stemming from Islamic fundamentalism. She asserted that democratic change in Iran is essential in the campaign against fundamentalism and success in the war against terrorism.
Other speakers in the third session included, Alain Vivien, former French deputy Foreign Minister and former president of the Interministerial Commission Against Cults; Sid Ahmed Ghozali, former Algerian Prime Minister; Marc Reyman, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly from the ruling UMP; Mario Stasi, former president of Paris Bar Association; Henri Leclerc, distinguished French lawyer; Mouloud Aounit, General Secretary of Movement Against Racism and Friendship Among Nations(MRAP); Francois Colcombet, judge and former Socialist member of the French National Assembly; Ghaleb Bencheikh, expert on Islamic affairs; Gilles Paruel, former president of Val d’Oise Province Bar Association; and Parviz Khazai, representative of the NCRI in Nordic countries.
In his remarks, Alain Vivien totally rejected the terrorism charge against the People’s Mojahedin and, as the head of a movement against sectarianism for many years, he found no basis for branding the People’s Mojahedin a sect. He called for solidarity with Iranian people in their bid to fight fundamentalism and sponsored the Committee in Defense of Democracy in Iran.
Sid Ahmad Ghozali emphasized that he found himself as part of the fight waged by the Iranian Resistance against fundamentalism and described its victory as being of greatest importance in the liberation of nations in the region.
Gille Paroel declared that he was one of the founders of the committee in defense of the Iranian Resistance and stressed that People’s Mojahedin of Iran should be supported in their struggle against brutal dictatorship in that country. He also assured members of the PMOI in Camp Ashraf of his ongoing support until victory.
Support for Iranian people’s resistance and the need to remove terror tag against the PMOI, was reflected in remarks by other speakers and they also gave their backing to the formation of the new committee in defense of democracy in Iran.