Iran: Teenagers on death row

By: Reza Shafa
Since a new surge of teenagers on death row, Dastjerd Prison in central city of Isfahan is no exception. Three youngsters are facing gallows. They are Ahamd Mortazavian born in 1981 arrested in 1986; Reza Hezazi born in 1987, arrested in 1993 and Iman Hashemi born in 1981 arrested in 1994.

Presently, there are juveniles waiting for their execution in most major Iranian prisons run by the mullahs’ judiciary.  

However, the news of execution get out amid ridiculous shows put on mainly by the Iranian regime’s judiciary chief Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi. In its latest gimmick last week — as if he lives in another planet and not in the mullahs’ made inferno – he ordered "no public executions would take place in Iran without his prior approval and banned the publication of photographs of these executions." The decree was reported by a number of Iranian newspapers, including the judiciary mouthpiece Hemayat.

Shahroudi did not stop at that and the last scene of his puppetry was when he issued another decree saying, "Refrain from summoning people without pressing charges. Refrain from holding people under arrest without pressing charges. Refrain from granting bail without pressing charges," the state-run daily Iran reported on Thursday.

"Because of the importance and the necessity of fully abiding by and implementing the prosecution regulations," the decree explained.

What are we to believe the more than 30 executions mainly carried out in January, three stoning sentences of two women and a man, death sentence of a man for drinking, cutting the hands and feet of the victims, death sentences by throwing the victims off cliff in sack? Add to that the mainly quiet killings of political prisoners and students, labor, and woman activists.

Shahroudi thinks that he is facing a mute audience in the world when it comes to whitewashing his crimes. No way; the world today is wide-awake and is watching.  
Reza Shafa is an expert on the Iranian regime’s intelligence networks, both in Iran and abroad. He has done extensive research on VAVAK (MOIS), IRGC’s Intelligence Office, and Quds Force among others. Currently he is a contributor to NCRI website.     


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