Iran: Students question Moussavi about his role in 1988 massacre

NCRI – On Tuesday, students of Qazvin University protested against Moussavi, chanting slogans of "'88, '88," and demanding Moussavi to provide explanations in regards to his role during the political prisoners' massacre.

Some of the placards held by students read: "Mirhossein, '88!," "Free university students," and "Evin now accepts university students," in a reference to the increasing number of students being held at the notorious Evin prison in Tehran.

NCRI – On Tuesday, students of Qazvin University protested against Moussavi, chanting slogans of "'88, '88," and demanding Moussavi to provide explanations in regards to his role during the political prisoners' massacre.

Some of the placards held by students read: "Mirhossein, '88!," "Free university students," and "Evin now accepts university students," in a reference to the increasing number of students being held at the notorious Evin prison in Tehran.

Mirhossein Moussavi, mullahs’ former Prime Minister in 1980s, was one of the high ranking officials of the regime during the eight-year Iran-Iraq war. He was responsible for the death of a million Iranian youth in the war and played a key role in export of terrorism and execution of political prisoners including the massacre of 30,000 prisoners in summer of 1988.

On Monday students at the University of Zanjan (northwest Iran) disrupted a speech by Mirhossein Moussavi and demanded explanations about his role during the 1988 massacre of political prisoners.
"Where were you in 1988, and how many people did you kill?" some students asked Moussavi. One placard read "Khavaran's soil is still red," referring to the Khavaran cemetery, where thousands of political prisoners have been buried.

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