Iran: Students of 1999 uprisings commemorate anniversary

NCRI – The students of Iran’s July 9, 1999, uprising have issued a defiant message to the regime’s ‘criminal’ Supreme Leader on the 14th anniversary of their protest.

A statement by graduates of Bandar Abbas City university has commemorated those killed in the protests with a statement saying: “That flame has not died out and to make it brighter, we will vow again with the martyrs of July 9 and express our enmity towards those who falsely claim to be reformist and those who suppressed the student uprising and are now are having the powers in their hand.”

A group of student supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) who had also participated in the July 9 uprisings added: “The student uprising in July 9, 1999, was a response to the crimes of the Supreme Leader and the so called ‘reformist’ faction who tried to deviate public opinion inside and outside the country.”

“It was the same way that Mohammad Khatami tried to gloss over Khamenei’s actions and deceive the public about the regime.

“Today Rohani has come to the table with the same mission. But he doesn’t realise the message of those martyred on July 9 is that we will not allow such deceit. Today all the people demand regime overthrow. “

“Overthrow of the whole system of the Supreme Leader and all its factions is the main demand of the people of Iran. Our choice is Maryam Rajavi.”

A group of students at Amir Kabir University also stated: “Our pioneering student movement has overcome many ups and downs. We have tolerated prison, expulsion, suspension and prohibition. However we have stood firm and continued. Although we have paid a very high price, we have not keep silent, because we believe that from July 9, 1999 to July 9, 2009 and July 9 of this year we kept up the struggle for freedom and used every opportunity to demand our rights.”

And a statement from students at Gillan University said: “Today, the students are continuing the path of the generation of July 9, 1999 and 2009. It was during this uprising that Mohammad Khatami’s so-called reform was shattered and his real face in ordering the suppression of the student demonstration was revealed.”

The Gillan University students also pointed out that Khatami said at the time: “If you are the people, then I am enemy of the people!”

They also noted that new president Hassan Rohani was the head of the Supreme National Security at the time and played a key role in the suppression and killing of the students.

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