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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIran: Risk of execution for 20 political prisoners in regime's Jails

Iran: Risk of execution for 20 political prisoners in regime’s Jails

 NCRI – The latest execution of five prisoners, brought the number of political prisoners executed since last year’s election in Iran, at least to eight. Twenty political prisoners face imminent execution, 17 of whom are of Kurdish descent. Other political prisoners also are at risk of similar sentences.

The names of the Kurdish political prisoners whom are to be executed are as follows:

1- Ms. Zainab Jalalian.
2- Habibollah Latifi.
3- Shirkoe  Moarefi.
4- Rustam Arkya.
5- Hussein Khezri.
6- Anwar Rostami.
7- Mohammad Amin Abdollahi.
8- Qader Mohammad Zadeh.
9- Mostafa Salimi.
10- Hasan Talaey.
11- Iraj Mohammadi. 
12- Rashid Akhkandy.
13- Mohammad Amin Agoshy.
14- Ahmad Pouladkhany .
 15- Seyed Sami Hosseini .
 16- Seyed Jamal Mohammadi.
 17- Aziz Mohammad Zadeh. 
 Mohammad Amin Valian, a 20 year old student, is another prisoner , who is charged with throwing stones at a police car on the day of Ashura for which he has been sentenced to death.
Hamed Rohynejad  , 23 year old patient with Muscular dystrophy,(M.S), imprisoned since, May 2009. he is sentenced  to death.
On, May 9, 2010, without notifying their families or lawyers five political prisoners, were executed at dawn. While at least one of them, Farzad Kamangar’s death sentence  , had been canceled.
 Arash Rahmanian and Mohammad Ali Zamani were executed in the past winter.

 On November 11, 2009, Ehsan Fatahian   was executed in Sanandaj prison.
 It is feared that with hasty implementation of the rules, outside the judicial boundaries, executions will continue, and  contributes to even more prisoners being executed .
Raja News one of regime’s web sites  in a report published on May,9, 2010 after the executions had taken place  claiming that Shiva Nazar Ahari , is affiliated to the PMOI.
Shiva Nazar Ahari who has been in prison since December 2009, is one of the founders of the Reporters Committee for human rights. Regimes’ Raja News web site claimed that  since  2005 she has been in direct communication with the People’s Mojahedin of Iran through a proxy.
Koehyar Goodarzi  another member of the Reporters Committee for Human Rights is currently in jail facing similar charges .

Mahdieh Golroe  a student of Allameh University  who was expelled from university study had also been accused of communicating with the People’s  Mojahedin Organization of Iran. She was a Council member, on defending the right to education. On April, 2010, behind  closed doors, in a court  that her own attorney was not allowed to attend she was charged with communication with the P.M.O.I.
On the other hand, transferring some other prisoners, including Eisa Saharkhiz, Ahmad Zeidabadi, and  Masood Bastani to  Gohardasht prison has raised the concern of  human rights activists . These individual all are journalists and are kept alongside dangerous murderers and common criminals.  
After the execution of Farhad Vakili ,on May, 9th  the other prisoners of Ward 350 of the notorious Evin prison  went on a hunger strike. The Warden of ward 350 transferred some prisoners to different sections of Evin prison and some to the Gohardasht prison in Karaj.