Tuesday, July 16, 2024
HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIran Resistance campaigners step up listing annulement

Iran Resistance campaigners step up listing annulement

PRESS ASSOCIATION – The Iranian resistance movement in Britain today stepped up its campaign to press the UK Government to abide by the ruling of the European Court of Justice to annul the listing of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI) as a proscribed organisation.
For supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran it was the 28th day of their rally opposite the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the day on which members of the UN Security Council and Germany met in London to discuss Iran ‘s nuclear programme.

Brian Binley, Conservative MP for Northampton South, told the rally: “The British Government, while expressing concern about the Iranian regime’s meddling in Iraq and targeting our troops there on one hand, on the other hand it is keeping the PMOI under the proscribed list. “This sends a wrong signal to Tehran .”

He criticised the UK Government for not abiding by the
ruling of the European Court in December last year, to
annul the listing of the PMOI.

“This is shameful,” he said. “Our Government must send a loud and clear message to Tehran by recognising the PMOI as the only democratic opposition to the Iranian regime.”

Hossein Abedini, a senior figure of the resistance movement, said: “The only effective policy for the West with regard to a regime threatening peace in the region and the world is firmness.

“Ending political concessions and economic assistance to and imposing comprehensive sanctions on the regime as well as removing the obstacles and restrictions against the Iranian opposition, especially the unlawful terrorist label against the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran would be the two
pillars of such a policy.”

At the end, a petition was delivered to the Foreign Secretary, Margaret Beckett.