Iran regime’s threats to its opposition in Iraq condemned across US

NCRI – In six cities of five US states, Iranian-Americans staged rallies against recent efforts by the mullahs’ regime to interfere in Iraqi affairs. The rallies were sparked by the news indicating that the Iraqi authorities were considering repatriation of PMOI members to Iran or a third country upon pressures by the religious dictatorship ruling Iran.

The clerical regime’s state television announced on July 19 that the Iraqi Prime Minister requested the expulsion of elements of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran from his country.

Suggesting such measures against the PMOI comes at a time when the Iraqi security agencies have remained silent regarding the Iranian regime’s role in countless crimes and killings in Iraq, including atrocities such as the August 4 abduction of two PMOI members and the May 29 bombing of a bus carrying innocent Iraqi workers who worked at Ashraf City, home to thousands of PMOI members based in Iraq.

In the meantime the water pipelines from the Tigris River to Ashraf was blown up by agents of the mullahs’ inhumane regime on Tuesday, July 18.

Participants in rallies in New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, reiterated on the status of the PMOI members in Iraq as “Protected Person” under the Fourth Geneva Conventions and called on Iraqi authorities and the Coalition Forces to safeguard the rights of the residents of Ashraf City.

Addressing the rally in New York, Professor Daniel Zucker, Chairman of the Americans for Democracy in the Middle-East, underlined the terrorist nature of the clerical regime and called on Iraqi government to reaffirm the political status of the Mojahedin members in Iraq.

A delegation representing the participants of the New York rally delivered a letter to the UN officials to be pass to Iraqi authorities expressing their concern over the plight of Ashraf City residents.

In Washington, protestors gathered outside the White House and called on the US authorities to guarantee security of the PMOI members in Iraq.

Explosion of the water pipelines to Ashraf City was strongly condemned by Iranians in Atlanta rally as the most inhuman act which constitutes a war crime.

Supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Houston called on International bodies to act immediately to stop mullahs’ meddling in Iraq and safeguard the PMOI rights in that country.

At the end of the rally in Dallas, Iranians called on local media to report atrocities by the mullahs’ terrorist regime in Iran and neighboring Iraq and provided them with relevant information.

Participants in Los Angeles rally underlined the support given to the Iranian Resistance and the PMOI by 5.2 million Iraqis and called on the government in that country and the Multi-National Forces to guarantee safety and security of the residents of Ashraf City. 

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