Iran regime seeks Islamic Empire

Backed by nuclear weapons and terror network
By Mohammad Mohaddessin

Ahmadinejad’s remarks at the summit of the Organization of Islamic Conference and his subsequent remarks at a gathering of Revolutionary Guards in southeast Iran have shocked the world. His call for the destruction of Israel and the formation of a global Islamic Empire is neither temporary nor a propaganda ploy.
His remarks about Israel are part and parcel of the Iranian regime’s foreign policy. Other parts of this policy are the call for the formation of a Global Islamic Empire and obtaining nuclear weapons.
Faced with the demand by some 95 percent of Iranians for regime change, the mullahs are trying to expand their rule beyond Iran’s borders to thwart their overthrow. To this end, a few days after assuming office, Ahmadinejad said, "The waves of a new Islamic Revolution will soon spread to the entire world."
His recent comments focus on three issues:
–    Formation of an Islamic Empire and the implementation of Sharia laws and edicts.
–    Destruction of Israel and the transfer of Jews to Europe, the U.S.
–    Insistence on continuing the program to obtain nuclear weapons.
Contrary to what some say in the West, there are no differences between Ahmadinejad and mullahs’ supreme leader Ali Khamenei. What he said represented the views of the regime in its totality and Khamenei.
Advocates of appeasement policy have attempted to portray Ahmadinejad’s comments as being personal and are saying that Khamenei was opposed to this stance. This is a sheer lie. Ahmadinejad’s positions, including his stance on Israel had the full backing of Khamenei. A confidential internal report that was used to brief senior government officials says: "Prior to the President’s trip to Saudi Arabia, the president’s advisors, acting on guidelines from the leader, prepared his speech and the references to Israel and the Jews. Ahmadinejad personally took the speech to Khamenei who made some changes and approved the version presented later."
The report added, "Our stance has some adverse repercussions and some benefits. Among Islamic societies, Iran would be recognized as the standard bearer of defending Muslims. It paves our way in Iraq. Domestically, it strengthens the morale of the Bassijis (paramilitary force) and revolutionaries. It solidifies our ranks and heartens fundamentalist forces. Naturally, Western countries will not remain indifferent toward us and will condemn us in the United Nations. They will create some problems for us in the nuclear field. But experience has shown that if we remain steadfast and not back down, they would ultimately retreat. An example is the Imam’s [Khomeini] fatwa to murder Salman Rushdie. The world rebelled against us and even recalled the ambassadors. They even went as far as severing relations. But with much embarrassment, they had to send back their ambassadors. Of course, today, we are in much better position. The U.S. is having a lot of problems in Iraq, which give it less opportunity to focus on the Islamic Republic in a concrete way."
The Regime’s strategy to dominate Islamic world is going through dominating Iraq. This is the very same goal which Iranian regime had during eight years war with Iraq with declared aim of " liberating Qods via Karbela" (liberating Jerusalem via holly city for Shiites in Iraq).
At present, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ Qods Force has the greatest presence and interference in Iraq. For the regime, Iraq is the gateway to the Islamic World. The most senior IRGC commanders and thousands of Revolutionary Guards are focused on Iraq. They want to set up a puppet Islamic regime in Iraq.
The regime has allocated billions of dollars to this mission. It has dispatched thousands of clerics to Iraq. It has been paying thousands of operatives on a monthly basis. The regime has virtually occupied large parts of Iraq, especially in the south and imposed a veiled occupation on the country.
Qods Force commanders travel back and forth to and from Iraq with tremendous ease. The Iranian regime controls some of the most vital government agencies, such the Ministry of the Interior. They have even set up dozens of torture centers in Iraq and mistreat political prisoners and those opposed to the establishment of a fundamentalist regime in Iraq. Those in charge of the torture centers recently discovered were getting their orders from Iran. Some of them fled to Iran after the detention centers were uncovered.
In the course of the elections in Iraq, the clerical regime allocated all its political, diplomatic and economic resources to change the results.
The leaders of the regime consider "Iraqi opportunity" as a historical one. This opportunity encouraged them to call publicly for elimination of Israel and establishing a global Islamic rule.   
In two decades, the Tehran regime has formed necessary levers to pursue this policy. This is the main reason for which Iranian regime working on nuclear weapons and missiles. In addition Several major agencies are involved in this task. Some of them include:
–    The Islamic Revolutionary Guards in general and specifically Qods Force.
–    The Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS).
–    The Headquarters to Honor the Martyrs of Islamic Revolution
–    The Islamic Culture and Communications Organization.
–    The Ministry of Islamic Guidance and Culture.
The following are some important information on the Qods Force which is the most crucial agency tasked with the export of terrorism and fundamentalism:
1.    In 1990, the Iranian regime consolidated all its intelligence agencies and extraterritorial institutions to form the Qods Force. The most experienced and veteran IRGC commanders were assigned to the Force. Brig. Gen. Ahmad Vahidi the Qods Force’s first commander said our objective is the formation of an "International Islamic Army."
2.    The Qods Force has more than 21,000 Iranian members and tens of thousands non-Iranian mercenaries, including in Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and many European countries. The Force’s representatives work in many embassies around the world as diplomats. The Qods Force has 12 directorates and several units called International Affairs Units.
3.    In addition to terrorist operations, the Qods Force also trains non-Iranian terrorist forces, including nations from Pakistan, Morocco, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine and other Middle East countries. The training is provided to groups of 40 persons. The Force has dozens of garrisons across Iran in which it trains its non-Iranian operatives.
4.    Some of the Force’s training centers for foreign nationals are as follows:
a.    Imam Ali Training base. It is one of the most important training bases and is located north of Tehran, in Alborz Kouh Street.
b.    Khomeini Training Base. A large number of foreign forces from Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine are being currently trained in this base.
c.    Bahonar base. It is located on Chalous highway, near Karaj Dam.
d.    Qods Training Center in Nahavand. It is located 45km from the town of Nahavand, west of Iran. Foreign forces, including those from Lebanon and Afghanistan are trained here.
e.     Beit ol-Moghadas University in the city of Qom.
f.    Training center in Tehran’s Farahzad district.
g.    Hezbollah Base in Varamin, southeast of Tehran.
h.    Madani Base in Dezful, (southwest Iran).
i.    Bisotoun Base in Kermanshah, (western Iran).
j.    Tangeh Kenesht Base in Kermanshah, (western Iran).
k.    Ghayour Training Base in Ahwaz (southwest Iran).
5.    The Qods Force has four major garrisons along Iran’s borders with other countries. They are tasked with following up terrorist operations in the neighboring countries. They are:
a.    Ramadan Garrison (First Corps) in Kermanshah. Mission: Iraq.
b.    Nabi-Akram Garrison (Second Corps) in Zahedan (southeast). Mission: Pakistan.
c.    Hamza Garrison (Third Corps) in Orumieh (northwest). Mission: Turkey.
d.    Ansar Garrison (Fourth Corps) in Mashad (northeast). Mission: Afghanistan and Pakistan.
6.    In addition to the four garrisons, the Force has several other corps, including:
a.    The Sixth Corps. Mission: Persian Gulf states.
b.    The Seventh Corps. Mission: Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan
c.    The Eighth Corps. Mission: African States.
d.    The Ninth Corps. Mission: Europe and the United States.
"The Headquarters to Honor the Martyrs of Islamic Revolution."
It was set up last spring by the IRGC and plans to recruit volunteers for suicide operations. The organizers are saying that the number of volunteers has reached 40,000.
The form which the volunteers fill in, has three choices: Suicide operations against occupiers of the Holy Shrines, it means Iraq. Suicide operations against the occupiers of Qods (Jerusalem) and volunteers to carry out the fatwa to murder Salman Rushdie.
This Headquarters is formed and run in its entirety by the IRGC. Brig. Gen. Mohammad Baqer Zolghadr, then IRGC’s Deputy Commander in Chief. As the mayor of Tehran, Ahmadinejad contributed greatly to the formation of this entity.
What is the Solution
The West has tried all its options and failed. Repeating past failures is dangerous. Negotiations with this regime will not get anywhere. The only option to rid the region and the world of the dangers this terrorist regime poses is change in Iran. This is only possible through the Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance. To bring about that change, the Iranian people demand neither money, nor weapons. The Iranian people demand an end to the policy of appeasing the mullahs. This policy has been the biggest obstacle to change in Iran. Therefore, a correct policy must include the following:
1.    Any negotiation with the clerical regime over the nuclear projects or human rights must stop.
2.    The regime’s nuclear file, export of terrorism and fundamentalism as well as human rights abuses should be referred to the UN Security Council, and comprehensive sanctions must be imposed against the regime.
3.    The rights of the Iranian people to resist against the regime be recognized and the terror label against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, the main opposition to the clerical regime, should be removed immediately. This label has been the most important concession to the regime by the West.
Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the umbrella organization for Iranian opposition groups.

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