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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIran: Quds Force opens a new franchise in neighboring Afghanistan

Iran: Quds Force opens a new franchise in neighboring Afghanistan

By: Reza Shafa
A deadly rerun of events in Iraq is unfolding in neighboring Afghanistan by Quds Force, a subdivision of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, according to the Resistance sources in Iran.

The ghastly scenario this time is being directed by the Quds Forces’ military command base east of Iran named Qaragah-e-Ansar which is located in the southeastern city of Zahedan just across the border from Afghanistan. In a classified directive issued by the IRGC’s Central Command in Tehran, it instructs the commanders of Qaragah-e-Ansar to expand the IRGC’s influence in neighboring Afghanistan.

The orders are set out as follows:

-Dispatching dozens of Quds Forces’ operatives across the border and reinforcing the ones already there;

 -Intensifying guerrilla tactics including setting up ambushes for Multinational Forces in Afghanistan;

-Providing sufficient funds for remaining Taliban forces;

-Providing funds and logistical support for sympathetic media outlets in Afghanistan;

At the same time, to cover Quds Forces tracks, and offset possible reactions by Multinational Forces in Afghanistan, the Iranian regime’s embassy in Kabul has begun advertising its so-called humanitarian aids to Afghan people. To play out well, the IRGC has actually funded some projects in Afghanistan.

To that end, the regime’s second secretary in its embassy in Afghanistan, Hashim Ashja-Zadeh tried to paint the same picture of the regime by giving a lengthy interview on the non-governmental television channel, Tolue. He vehemently attempted to say that the Afghan people are not against the Iranian regime’s presence in their country; something which is not true. Most of that country’s intelligentsia is against the regime’s meddling in Afghanistan.

Reza Shafa is an expert on the Iranian regime’s intelligence networks, both in Iran and abroad. He has done extensive research on VAVAK (MOIS), IRGC’s Intelligence Office, and Quds Force among others. Currently he is a contributor to NCRI website.