Iran- Protest- Rouhani’s speech interrupted by Students chanting for the release of Political Prisoners



During Hassan Rouhani – regimes president’s speech at Meli University in Tehran, students interrupted the speech by chanting, “political prisoners must be released”. This was despite restrictions and strong security control over the students.

The state run main TV channel which was broadcasting the speech live from Meli University, muted the sound gradually but eventually had to stop the live session in order to prevent broadcasting the student’s protests.

Students also chanted, “students prefer to die than to accept disgrace”. 

Reports from Sharif Industrial University indicated students posting a huge sign on top of the university entrance, writing, “No entry!” and protested against the presence of Hossein Shariatmadari – Khamenei’s mouthpiece director. Shariatmadari, was due to speak on the occasion of the Students Day. Prior to this, the students had announced, “we don’t allow someone to lie to us with impudence at our own university…”

At Zahedan University, the officials changed lunchtime to 1130 a.m. as a measure to prevent students’ protest on this national day of protest.

In other universities the repressive forces have clamped down on the students over the fear of student uprisings. These repressive measures under the new “moderate” president of the regime, was disregarded by the students.

During Rouhani’s tenure on the National Security Council,he took a hard-line when dealing with opposition and dissent.

He led the crackdown on the university student uprising in 1999.  As the student uprising was growing, Rouhani said on July 14 at a pro-regime rally: “At dusk yesterday we received a decisive revolutionary order to crush mercilessly and monumentally any move of these opportunist elements wherever it may occur. From today our people shall witness how in the arena our law enforcement, force . . . shall deal with these opportunists and riotous elements, if they simply dare to show their faces.” 

The “opportunists and riotous elements” to whom Rouhani referred were university students who wanted freedom and democracy.  According to the Wall Street Journal of June 17, 2013 “More than a dozen students were killed in those protests, more than 1,000 were arrested, hundreds were tortured, and 70 simply ‘disappeared.’”


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