Iran Political Prisoners Hunger Strike Continues



NCRI – A group of Iranians from the private sector issued a statement in Tehran earlier this week expressing their deep concern over the plight of political prisoners who are on hunger strike in Iranian prisons.

The statement complained that while the world public opinion was preoccupied with the nuclear crisis in Iran, the political prisoners were continuing with their strike which has been on for several weeks.

The group called on international human rights organizations to act immediately and send humanitarian missions to investigate their plight and get them freed.

The striking political prisoners in a number of jails throughout the country (Evin Prison in Tehran, Rajai-Shahr Prison in Gohardasht, and prisons in Semnan, Bandar Abbad, and Birjand) issued a declaration in December calling on the UN and its Secretary General to form an international fact-finding committee to identify those responsible and involved in the massacre and suppression of freedom activists in Iran.

The prisoners stressed in their declaration they would continue their hunger strike until the formation of a fact-finding committee. The declaration states: “The responsibility for our well-being rests directly with Mr. Kofi Annan and other heads of human rights organizations that are charged with the defense and protection of the rights of peoples throughout the world.”

The Iranian Resistance has appealed to all human rights organizations throughout the world to support the striking political prisoners in Iran and called on the Secretary General of the United Nations to urgently respond to their request.

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