Iran: Political prisoner diagnosed with cancer but refused medical treatment

NCRI – A political prisoner and Bazaar merchant, Mohsen Dokmechi, has been returned to jail from a hospital bed by Iranian regime agents even though he is suffering from serious health defects as a result of a surgery and pancreatic cancer.

The regime’s agents are also refusing to allow Mr. Dokmechi to undergo chemotherapy, according to reports obtained by the Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran.


Mr. Dokmechi was transferred to hospital on December 18 after four months of dealing with his medical condition and tolerating chronic pains, which led to loss of weight and jaundice.

He underwent a serious five-hour surgery on December 25, but doctors said Mr. Dokmechi’s operation was a failure and so he needs to undergo chemotherapy. Chances of success for his overall treatment are low due to constant delays imposed by regime agents.

His doctors have said in medical reports submitted to Tehran’s prosecutor that Mr. Dokmechi must continue to be hospitalized because his transfer to prison would have serious life-threatening consequences. But the regime’s intelligence agents and its prosecutor in Tehran, Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi, have ignored the medical recommendations, and while suspending his treatment, have transferred Mr. Dokmechi to Evin Prison’s Ward 350.

Mr. Dokmechi suffers from severe pains as a result of the spread of the cancer, and as a result has trouble resting or sleeping. Currently, at Ward 350, he is in critical condition and is not being subjected to the treatment he requires. He is also having trouble moving or eating food.

Dolatabadi has also refused to allow Mr. Dokmechi’s family to visit him or to find out about his health condition. Regime agents are planning to gradually murder Mr. Dokmechi, according to reports.

Decisions on suppression of political prisoners, refusing to allow medical treatment for them, executions and other forms of suppression of the Iranian are adopted at the highest levels by the regime’s Supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, and enacted by the mullahs’ Judiciary, especially Dolatabadi, and intelligence agents and prison officials.

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