Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran: Mullahs’ peace sham!

Editorial published in Mojahed weekly, No. 879
Since the long overdue designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as proliferators of WMD and the "IRGC-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) for providing material support to terrorist organizations," by the U.S. government, in the other side of the Atlantic, many lawmakers have reverberated demands for a similar adoption by EU governments. They asked that the IRGC and its surrogate, the Qods Force should be enlisted by the EU as terrorist entities in Europe. To combat the most effective action against them since 1979, the mullahs unlashed their proxies around the world to wave the supposed "peace" flag in respond to buy enough time for them necessary to obtain the atomic bomb.

But all of a sudden, taking a 180 degree turn toward peace for a regime which its founder, Rohallah Khomeini, still worshiped as their mentor by all factions of the same regime regardless of their make-up differences, considered "war" as "panacea" for his regime and "peace" as "burying ground for [his brand] of Islam" is strange; his favorite motto was "war, war, until such time that there would not be any disorder in the world." However, such sharp turns are designed by the regime to cover its trails in string war in Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon. By breaching UN Security Council Resolutions and attempts to obtain atomic bombs, the mullahs are trying to push their war beyond the regional boundaries and make it a world conflict; something which has to be revealed at all costs.

This is a regime which has not only executed 120,000 political prisoners, but its judiciary has set up a "crisis room" to combat ordinary citizens in the streets by using methods such as torture and public executions of youths. Mohammad Hashemi Shahroudi, head of judiciary admits, "Under the [pretext] of temporarily detention, in local police stations, they [police] arrest and torture innocent people to make them confess [to crimes they have not committed]. He added, "Each year, we put 600,000 people in jails where there is no proper sanitation, dangerous criminals and people convicted of moral offences, with the possibly of being exposed to various diseases."  Shahroudi said, "A man is held in Ahwaz [prison] for 21 years and something which the police call temporary detention," the state-run Nourooz daily reported on February 9, 2002.   

What does peace mean with a regime that indicated, "Each suicide car bomb exploding in Baghdad would inevitably postpones the U.S. threat on Iran," the state-run news agency ISNA quoted a high ranking member of the regime’s Mails (parliament) on May 10, 2007. Also on Aug. 27, 2006, the official daily Kayhan wrote, "Iran’s nuclear dossier will not be resolved on the negotiation table; it will be solved in the streets of Beirut and Baghdad."  

Talking peace with the religious dictatorship would only embolden it in its suppressive measures against Iranian people and paves the way for an inevitable war with catastrophic results.

Four months ago, and shortly after the second UN sanction resolution censuring the regime for its behavior in the international community, the Baltimore Sun in an article drew similarities between Hitler and the mullahs’ supreme leader Ali Khamenei for both drove the world to edge of the war now and then. The Sun wrote, "Looking back after that war, Winston Churchill said, ‘There was never a war in all history easier to prevent by timely action.’ The earlier it was done, the less it would have cost.
At one point, Hitler could have been stopped in his tracks ‘without the firing of a single shot,’" Churchill said.
"That point came in 1936 — three years before World War II began — when Hitler sent troops into the Rhineland, in violation of two international treaties. Iranian leaders today make only the most token and transparent claims that they are building ‘peaceful’ nuclear facilities — in one of the biggest oil-producing countries in the world, which has no need for nuclear power to generate electricity.
Nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran and its international terrorist allies will be a worst threat than Hitler ever was," (Baltimore Sun, July 26, 2007).
Mojahed is the Persian language weekly publication of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)