Iran: Mullahs’ conspiracies against PMOI condemned by Stockholm rally

Iran: Mullahs' conspiracies against PMOI condemned by Stockholm rallyNCRI – In solidarity with an ongoing sit-in in Geneva, supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Stockholm held a rally outside the office of the Red Cross to call on the international body to safeguard the rights of PMOI members in Iraq under the international conventions.

The Iranian regime has placed increasing pressure on the government of Iraq to impose further restrictions on PMOI in Iraq and called for expulsion of its members. Mullahs’ conspiracies were widely condemned by political and human rights organizations and personalities across the world. They called on Iraqi government and the Multi-National Forces – Iraq to protect the rights of the Mojahedin members in Iraq under the Fourth Geneva Convention.

In Geneva, sit-in by supporters of the Iranian Resistance outside the UNHCR entered its fifth week on Monday. They have been calling on the UN body concerned with refugees to reaffirm the political refugee status of PMOI members in Iraq.

Participants in Stockholm rally offered their support to the aims of the sit-in in Geneva and called on the International Committee of the Red Cross to intervene. A delegation representing the rally met with officials of the Red Cross to demand for its more active role in the case of the Iranian Mojahedin in Iraq. Officials of the Red Cross in Stockholm expressed their concern over terrorist threats to PMOI members in Iraq and promised to pass on the request to their head office in Geneva.

The rally in Stockholm received widespread sympathy from general public and some joined in solidarity with the Iranian Resistance.

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