Iran: Mrs. Rajavi will soon succeed in her tireless efforts to bring freedom and a secular democracy

Maryam Rajavi will soon succeed in her tireless efforts to bring freedom and a secular democracy to IranThe letter of support by Mr. Tom Tancredo, Member of the United State Congress to Mrs. Rajavi on occasion of the largest Iranian Gathering in Paris for a democratic change in Iran.

The Iranian democracy movement grows more important each day.  Iran’s meddling in Iraq, their support of terrorism and terrorist groups, their open threat to destroy Israel, their recent crackdown on students, and their development of weapons of mass destruction make them more dangerous each day.
I know that groups like Mrs. Rajavi’s – both inside and outside of Iran – will soon succeed in your tireless efforts to bring freedom and a secular democracy to Iran.

The letter of support by Mr. Tom Tancredo, Member of the United State Congress to Mrs. Rajavi on occasion of the largest Iranian Gathering in Paris for a democratic change in Iran.

Dear Ms. Maryam Rajavi,

I am sorry I cannot be with you, but my duties require my presence in Washington, DC. 

I was very pleased to hear that the French Courts have lifted restrictions that had previously been imposed on you and other members of the Iranian Resistance.  This development is good news for the march of democracy in Iran.

The Iranian democracy movement grows more important each day.  Iran’s meddling in Iraq, their support of terrorism and terrorist groups, their open threat to destroy Israel, their recent crackdown on students, and their development of weapons of mass destruction make them more dangerous each day.
I know that groups like yours – both inside and outside of Iran – will soon succeed in your tireless efforts to bring freedom and a secular democracy to Iran.

Tom Tancredo
Member of Congress

United State of America

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