IRAN: Member of Executive Committee of Syrian National Council wishes victory for PMOI (MEK)

Samir Nashar, a member of the Executive Committee of the opposition Syrian National Council

NCRI – Samir Nashar, a member of the Executive Committee of the opposition Syrian National Council, welcomed the severing of diplomatic relations with the Iranian regime by Saudi Arabia and encouraged other Arab and Islamic countries to follow suit.

Nashar Born in Aleppo in 1945, was arrested for the first time in 2003 and for a second time in 2006 by the regime of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. He left Syria at the end of 2011. He studied business and economics and worked in the business sector in Aleppo prior to his arrests.

The Syrian opposition figure made several observations regarding the Iranian regime, the Iranian opposition, Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (PMOI or MEK) and the recent regional developments in an interview with the Iranian opposition satellite channel Simay-e-Azadi (INTV). Excerpts of his interview appear below:

After Saudi Arabia, other Arab countries, especially in the Gulf Cooperation Council, Egypt and other Arab nations need to sever relations with the Iranian regime to isolate it. The Iranian regime instigates sedition in the Arab countries and in the region, creating animosity between the people. The policies of this regime are very destructive.

[Likewise] the policy of this oppressive and bloodthirsty regime vis-à-vis the Iranian people and the PMOI [People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (PMOI/MEK)] as freedom fighters and the Iranian opposition is one of suppression.

The subject of the Iranian people and their struggle and the story of the PMOI (MEK) and the freedom-lovers in Camp Liberty, Iraq, who are victims of collaboration between the Iraqi and the Iranian regimes should be told and made better-known to the people.

The Iranian regime attempts to cut off the voice of the PMOI (MEK) and freedom-lovers in Camp Liberty and bar their activities in calling on the world community to save the Iranian people.

The international community should prevent the meddling of this regime. Presently, taking advantage of the U.S. inaction, there is a coalition between Russia and the Iranian regime that is implementing certain plans in the Middle East. These machinations must be confronted.

It is our wish for the Iranian people and the PMOI (MEK) in Camp Liberty to become victorious. The Iranian people deserve a better government than the mullahs.

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