Iran: MEK Supporters Echo Calls for Regime Change in European Capitals


On January 7, shocked by the latest news of the execution of two protesters in Iran, Mohammad Mehdi Karami and Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Sweden, the United Kingdom, France, and Norway, organized rallies in different cities. 

Holding a photo exhibit with images of slain protesters who were killed during the recent uprising inside Iran, the organizers also condemned the latest horrible crime of the regime and held the pictures of Mohammad Mehdi Karami and Seyed Mohammad Hosseini to call for a worldwide condemnation and the stop of the execution of political prisoners. 

Expressing outrage at the systemic murder and oppressing dissent by the clerical regime, they asked the international community to take immediate action to save the lives of other imprisoned protesters inside Iran.

Also, honoring the murder of 167 passengers of the Ukrainian airliner PS752 that was shot down by the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corps in 2020, supporters of the Iranian Resistance called on the governments to hold the regime’s authorities to account for the deliberate act of killing innocent people. 

The protesters called on the European countries to isolate the murderous regime in Tehran by cutting diplomatic and economic ties, shutting down embassies in Tehran, and expel Iranian diplomats from their soil. 

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