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Iran: Maryam Rajavi’s speech in gathering of 70,000 Iranians in Paris – Part 8 of 9

Iran: Maryam Rajavi's speech in gathering of 70,000 Iranians in Paris We say to the ruling henchmen [in Iran]: “The judgment of history and the resolve of the combative people of Iran will pierce all cell blocks, prisons, and walls, and will crush you.”

NCRI – Part 8 of the text of speech by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of resistance of Iran (NCRI) in the gathering of more than 70,000 Iranian exiles in Paris on June 28, 2008:

We say to the ruling henchmen [in Iran]: “The judgment of history and the resolve of the combative people of Iran will pierce all cell blocks, prisons, and walls, and will crush you.”

NCRI – Part 8 of the text of speech by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of resistance of Iran (NCRI) in the gathering of more than 70,000 Iranian exiles in Paris on June 28, 2008:


Iran: Maryam Rajavi's speech in gathering of 70,000 Iranians in Paris

Since three years ago, when the mullahs’ Supreme Leader propelled Ahmadinejad to power, the regime has dramatically stepped up repression, hangings and amputation of limbs. The livelihood, spirit and souls of our compatriots are being blasted everyday by indiscriminate arrests, executions and floggings.

Yet, four days ago, the regime’s Judiciary chief Hashemi Shahroudi, who had previously presented himself as an Iraqi and the head of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council, called for the greater use of flogging and brazenly said on television, "We can use flogging in many instances. Regrettably, our judges have been influenced by propaganda around the world and do not appreciate flogging. In my view, flogging is one of the best, lawful and fair punishments… It is a deterrent … One thing we emphasize in the Islamic Punishment Act is flogging and changing prison sentences to flogging."

Yes, the ruling mullahs have no understanding of justice and rights outside the context of flogging and hangings, because these present their only tool for maintaining their decrepit rule.

Nevertheless, at no other time, has the Iranian society been broiling with protests as it is today. In the past three years, there have been 4,700 acts of protest on average.

Here, we shall remember all these admirable uprisings, and salute their martyrs and prisoners in different cities and regions across Iran.

The number of demonstrators murdered in the streets and the number of political dissidents hanged in the past three years stand at 200.

The mullahs view any youngster and disenchanted youth as, and the source of, the uprising which seeks to overthrow the regime.

In the past three years, nearly 300 fell victim to arbitrary killings in the streets by the State Security Forces.

Officials say the number of those imprisoned for "acting against public security" is "between 10 to 15 thousand people."  

There are more than 100 secret detentions centers.

Indeed, thousands of prisons, torture chambers and execution centers have been set up in order to help the mullahs maintain their grip on power at any cost.

Last week, the mullahs' Prosecutor General mullah Dorri Najaf-Abadi acknowledged, "The country is facing dangerous international storms." Referring to the "long borders in the East and West of the country," he said, "The officials must use foresight to prevent the outbreak of incidents and social anxiety," because "enemies of the Islamic Republic do not want the Islamic Iran to enjoy security."

But we say to the ruling henchmen: “The judgment of history and the resolve of the combative people of Iran will pierce all cell blocks, prisons, and walls, and will crush you.”

Dear compatriots,

The mullahs are in the phase of being overthrown. They lack political and religious legitimacy. They are surrounded by the rage of the Iranian people. Today, they are relying on an insignificant minority.

According to the regime's figures, during the parliamentary elections, the highest number of votes for the candidates in larger cities was between six to 14 percent.

The real base of support for the regime is those in the IRGC, the Bassij and the infamous Intelligence Ministry. All of this barely constitutes three percent of Iranian society in its entirety.

This is the reality of the mullahs' regime. A three percent minority!

So, we say to the ruling mullahs: “Do you not claim that your regime has popular support? Why have you rejected free elections? Why don't you let go of flogging and gallows. Then it will be clear how long you can withstand the rebellion of an enraged nation. Most certainly, in the face of popular rage, your Revolutionary Guards will quickly run away, even quicker than the soldiers of Reza Khan who fled in civilian clothes.

You can see that the mullahs are at the end of the road by looking at the current economic crisis.

This year, 13 billion dollars out of the 100 billion dollar budget was spent on military affairs, while another 4 billion was dedicated to security matters and terrorism.

A 33 billion dollar sum has also been chipped out of this year’s budget as a “miscellaneous budget” for Ahmadinejad’s cabinet. In other words, one-third of the annual budget is dedicated to secret affairs.

According to a former regime Majlis deputy, 63 billion dollars of the revenues from the past three years has been lost and no one knows where it has gone to.

Since 2006 up to now, 32 billion dollars of the oil revenues have not made it into the Treasury.

The result of this is the ruin of all the various industrial, agricultural, and services sectors. Ahmadinejad’s Minister of Oil has said, “The current situation of the oil industry in Iran is reminiscent of the circumstances in 1979 during the Shah’s reign.”

Inflation is skyrocketing. The price of bread has been doubled since last year, while that of rice has tripled. 120 cities and villages are experiencing shortages of drinking water. Waves of workers are continually being dismissed and laid off. Subjugated and oppressed women continue to commit suicide, at times by burning themselves to death. 6 million people go to bed hungry at night, and more than 60 million live under the poverty line.

The dire economic crisis is also a grave threat for the survival of the regime.

Ten million unemployed, 8 million dwellers on the outskirts of cities, and millions of embittered youth, all constitute a viable force, which could eventually bring the downfall of this regime.

End of Part 8 of 9