Iran: Maryam Rajavi’s speech in gathering of 70,000 Iranians in Paris – Part 7 of 9

Iran: Maryam Rajavi's speech in gathering of 70,000 Iranians in Paris


When our Resistance eventually triumphs, it is not only Iran that will be free. Our triumph will save human society from the dangers of the ogre of fundamentalism and revive such values as human solidarity.

NCRI – Part 7 of the text of speech by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of resistance of Iran (NCRI) in the gathering of more than 70,000 Iranian exiles in Paris on June 28, 2008:

When our Resistance eventually triumphs, it is not only Iran that will be free. Our triumph will save human society from the dangers of the ogre of fundamentalism and revive such values as human solidarity.

NCRI – Part 7 of the text of speech by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of resistance of Iran (NCRI) in the gathering of more than 70,000 Iranian exiles in Paris on June 28, 2008:

Here let me say a few words to our non-Iranian friends, particularly our French friends, who have stood by us in the widespread campaign against fundamentalism.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am delighted that you have joined us here today.

Your message to the people of my country is that you support their struggle for democracy.

Your message to them is that the people of Europe are opposed to appeasing religious fascism.

The Iranian people will always remember you, for your sincere support during the June 17, 2003 incident and for your support in the campaign against the terrorist designation.

We have chosen resistance against religious fascism just like France when it chose to resist Hitler. Ours was a Resistance, the sacrifice of whose members allowed France to reclaim her love for freedom and democracy. The likes of Charles de Gaulle, Jean Moulin, Manouchian, Lucie Aubrac, Germaine Tillon, Danielle Casanova and many other famous or nameless members of the Resistance.

I salute them and all of you here. I salute the elected representatives of the people of Europe and France. I salute political personalities, advocates of peace and human rights and countless women and men who have come here from all over France, especially from Saint Denis and Val d'Oise, who have rushed to support and advance the Resistance's cause.

I must tell you that all of your efforts have been effective in advancing the struggle of the Iranian people against the mullahs' regime.

Your endeavors dashed the propaganda by Ahmadinejad and revealed that he is the main enemy of the Arab, African and Muslim peoples because he sows the seeds of discord and civil war.

Your solidarity delivered a blow to the policy of appeasement. You are our friends during the dark times. You showed that solidarity and generosity is effective.

Through your efforts, you created an international front against fundamentalism. And this is a novel phenomenon.

When our Resistance eventually triumphs, it is not only Iran that will be free. Our triumph will save human society from the dangers of the ogre of fundamentalism and revive such values as human solidarity.

I thank you again. Please allow me to continue in Farsi.

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