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Iran: Maryam Rajavi’s speech in gathering of 70,000 Iranians in Paris – Part 6 of 9

Iran: Maryam Rajavi's speech in gathering of 70,000 Iranians in Paris Ironically, while Ahmadinejad’s train to nuclear weapons has no gears or brakes, his foreign interlocutors seem to only have a reverse gear.

NCRI – Part 6 of the text of speech by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of resistance of Iran (NCRI) in the gathering of more than 70,000 Iranian exiles in Paris on June 28, 2008:

Ironically, while Ahmadinejad’s train to nuclear weapons has no gears or brakes, his foreign interlocutors seem to only have a reverse gear.

NCRI – Part 6 of the text of speech by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of resistance of Iran (NCRI) in the gathering of more than 70,000 Iranian exiles in Paris on June 28, 2008:

Iran: Maryam Rajavi's speech in gathering of 70,000 Iranians in Paris Look at the nuclear file.

The Iranian Resistance exposed the mullahs' nuclear sites in the summer of 2002.

In the past six years, this movement has acted as the biggest factor in alerting the world to the dangers of a nuclear-armed religious dictatorship by making no less than 80 revelations about different aspects of the mullahs' nuclear weapons program.

Western governments, however, have done nothing but waste the international community's time and buy the mullahs more time instead.

Indeed, four years of negotiations, two years of incentive policy and altogether, six years of continuous retreat.

When the mullahs unilaterally broke the seals of their nuclear facilities, and resumed uranium enrichment, Western governments retreated by offering an incentive package.

When the regime refused to permanently suspend enrichment, the 5+1 retreated by conceding to suspension only during negotiations.

And when the mullahs rebuffed even this offer, Western governments accepted a nominal suspension.
And in the next step, the 5+1 retreated from suspension to the request that the regime not install any new centrifuges. This is the essence of Javier Solana's package offered to Tehran two weeks ago.

At one time, they were insisting that they are not prepared to offer the Iranian regime security guarantees. But, then again, they retreated from that position as well.

Ironically, while Ahmadinejad’s train to nuclear weapons has no gears or brakes, his foreign interlocutors seem to only have a reverse gear.

In Security Council resolutions, they give the regime two or three months to comply. But then again they take a year to pass each resolution.

In all these years, Western governments have always acquiesced to the mullahs' demands to crackdown on the PMOI [the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)]. In the words of diplomats engaged in these talks, this has been on top of the regime's priorities.

And after moving along and encouraging the long path of negotiations, they gave so much leeway to the mullahs' deception and concealment that the Americans suddenly discovered that the mullahs had stopped the production of nuclear weapons five years ago.

Was this really an intelligence report or some sort of magical act?

These incentives and concessions have so emboldened the mullahs that three days ago, Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani implicitly warned that the regime will pursue the bomb. He said that if the West does not tolerate the regime, it might face a fait accompli. Earlier this month, IAEA Chief El Baradai was given the same message from Iran's rulers that if they are given sufficient incentives, they can build the bomb in the near future.

Indeed, why is it that the greater the incentives the more the mullahs' appetite for building the bomb?

You may have heard of the fable by the famous Iranian poet Obeyd Zakani about the mice and the cat six centuries ago.

One day the mice decided to change the behavior of a wild cat by offering him incentive packages.

But the more incentives they offered, the hungrier the cat became.

As Zakani put it:

"Seven bitten mice courted the cat, each with a colorful gift …
"The mice pleaded with the cat, 'Your highness, we offer our servitude to you'….
And, you know the rest of the story. The cat, which previously could only catch one mouse a year, got emboldened by the colorful gifts …

‘He used to catch a single one of us every year,
But now with a lot more appetite, the numbers have grown to five’."

One should not be under the illusion that incentive packages are a novelty.

In Iraq as well, these gentlemen have followed the strategy of incentive packages to the letter.

Of course, through the mediation of Mr. Jack Straw, the camps of the Iranian opposition in Iraq were bombed and then Iraq’s borders with Iran were left open and unguarded to the mullahs' infiltration.
In the next step, the mullahs' regime murdered Iraqi men, women and children in cold blood, and destroyed the country by exporting its bombs to it. It did not even spare mosques and the holy shrines. But officials refrained from admitting the obvious fact that all the bombings and the killings were being carried out on the orders of the Iranian regime's leadership and its Supreme Leader.

And now as you look at Lebanon, Palestine and Afghanistan, you notice that the policy of incentives and appeasement has swung open the gates to the regime's infiltration and intervention everywhere.

The mullahs boast of this brutality before the Iranian people in order to conceal their utter weakness. They say brazenly that we have Islamicized the Middle East and turned it into our strategic depth.

But, there is hardly anyone who does not know that the onslaught by Khamenei and Ahmadinejad is beholden to appeasement and the pathetic weakness of the West.

Indeed, the evil of fundamentalism has been riding on the shoulders of the guardians of appeasement from one corner of the world to the next.

And it is even more astonishing that some have not realized that religious fascism cannot change its behavior because that would immediately and inevitably lead to its overthrow.

They opine that they are paying a lesser price today. But all the while they are actually imposing war and catastrophe on the world.

We tell them that instead of appeasement act firmly and recognize the Resistance movement working to change the Iranian regime. As such, change would be within reach and the specter of war will dissipate. This is to your own advantage.

We say, “Do not invest in the continuation of the mullahs' rule.”

We say, “Do not continue the futile effort to ignore the Iranian people's Resistance.”

This Resistance movement cannot and will not be intimidated.

We are the voice of the voiceless in Iran. We are the voice of those who want us to represent their hopes, ideals and dreams.

To those who have accepted to deal with and appease this regime, or are afraid of changing it, we say:

You are suffering from four major miscalculations.

First, you have believed the mullahs' posturing. They are selling their terrorism and brutality as a sign of strength for their faltering regime. You have been intimidated by that.

Your second major mistake is that you either have no understanding of the extent of the Iranian people's resentment towards the regime or you are deliberately covering it up.

The Iranian regime's lobby propagates the belief that the Iranian people would unite in support of the regime in the face of the world community's firmness, such as that exuded by international sanctions. And, you are repeating these absurdities.

Do you not know that the Iranian people, more than anything else, despise the ruling mullahs, who ravage, pillage and raise cranes to hang people in the streets?

And your third mistake is that you ignore the explosive potential of Iranian society.

The mullahs and their spin doctors are bent on covering up the Iranian people's yearning for democratic change. They are bent on using the services of the international movement for peace in favor of making peace with and appeasing religious fascism.

And your fourth error is that you ignore the real solution to the Iranian problem, which is the people’s Resistance.

By demonizing the Iranian Resistance, the mullahs are trying to distort its credibility and its deep roots in Iranian society, in order to suggest that there is no force which could overthrow them. But, this is a mistake.

The Iranian crisis is a major one. But there is a force that can resolve it and that force is the Iranian Resistance.

This is a Resistance movement which will stir social uprisings and major movements by the Iranian people.

This is a Resistance movement, which by virtue of the PMOI [MEK], is the antithesis to fascism under the banner of Islam and Shiism, and has in the past three decades discredited the so-called Islamic foundations of the ruling regime in the eyes of the Iranian people and exposed its demagoguery.

This Resistance movement is the standard bearer to the Third Option. And, the struggle and the sacrifice of its members and supporters will render the Third Option victorious.

This Resistance enjoys the leadership of Massoud Rajavi, who has symbolized the ideal of the Iranian people's freedom in the context of a deeply-rooted and capable movement and has preserved and strengthened it in the midst of storms. He has plucked much good from much evil and amid the most complex circumstances in the past three decades has advanced a principled strategy. And through painstaking patience and great sacrifice, he has brought victory into the horizon.

Truly, he has given hope amid hopelessness.

End of Part 6 of 9