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Iran: Maryam Rajavi’s speech in gathering of 70,000 Iranians in Paris – Part 2 of 9

Iranians take part in a rally against the Iranian government, organized by the opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran, in Villepinte, a northern suburb of Paris, Saturday, June 28, 2008. Several thousands of protesters called on the West to take a tougher stand on Iran and urged the European Union and the follow the United Kingdom decision to remove their opposition group, the People's Mujahedeen Organisation of Iran (PMOI) from the list of banned terror groups.We transformed the injustice committed against the Resistance movement into a global campaign in defense of the right of the Iranian people to achieve freedom and democracy.

Part 2 of the text of speech by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of resistance of Iran (NCRI) in the gathering of more than 70,000 Iranian exiles in Paris on June 28, 2008:

We transformed the injustice committed against the Resistance movement into a global campaign in defense of the right of the Iranian people to achieve freedom and democracy.

Part 2 of the text of speech by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of resistance of Iran (NCRI) in the gathering of more than 70,000 Iranian exiles in Paris on June 28, 2008:

Iranians take part in a rally against the Iranian government, organized by the opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran, in Villepinte, a northern suburb of Paris, Saturday, June 28, 2008. Several thousands of protesters called on the West to take a tougher stand on Iran and urged the European Union and the follow the United Kingdom decision to remove their opposition group, the People's Mujahedeen Organisation of Iran (PMOI) from the list of banned terror groups.Dear friends,

Five days ago, the freedom-seeking Resistance movement created a magnificent moment in Iranian history: The unanimous passage in both Houses of the British Parliament of the draft Order to remove the name of the People's Mojahedin from the terrorist list.

The move heralds a new enlightenment and an astounding transformation in the world's legal history, turning the dark pages of the past.

As such, shock waves were sent through the regime and the religious dictatorship’s defensive lines crumbled.

The parliamentary sessions in the Houses of Lords and Commons when the order was ratified was truly an unprecedented event in developments concerning Iran. The Iranian people saw an adamant defense of the Iranian people's Resistance against religious fascism being presented in both Houses of the Parliament in one of the world's five major powers.

A large number of MPs and Peers spoke to the need to end a disastrous policy of appeasement and recounted the suffering of the oppressed people of Iran, with admirable passion, sense of responsibility, noble humanity, dignity and sense of justice.

With unwavering confidence and courage, Lord Slynn spoke of the soundness of the judgments of the Courts in Britain and Luxembourg in invalidating the terrorist charge against the PMOI.

Lord Corbett lamented the execution of 120,000 sons and daughters of the Iranian people at the hands of the mullahs' regime.

Lord Waddington followed by insisting that the last page had to be turned, namely that the EU must revoke the designation of the PMOI.

Lord Archer said, "This marks the beginning of the end to the pain and suffering of the Iranian people."

Lord Clarke added that a long chapter of shame and disgrace is about to end.

Baroness Harris lauded "the brave Iranians" in Ashraf City who "are fighting for the liberation of their country."

Andrew Mackinlay said that he hoped for the day that the regime in Tehran is overthrown.

Indeed, as they defended the Iranian Resistance, they represented the conscience of people in the West that is against the policy of appeasement, connivance and humiliation.

The Iranian people hail these people’s representatives who are the symbols of peace and democracy.

The unjust terror label against the PMOI brought with it much calamity for us, our nation, the people of Iraq and the Middle East. Not least were the cranes, from which Iranians were being hanged in cities, and the onslaught of terrorism and bloodshed in Lebanon, Palestine and Afghanistan.

Nevertheless, we transformed the injustice committed against the Resistance movement into a global campaign in defense of the right of the Iranian people to achieve freedom and democracy.

In the course of a seven-year battle we demonstrated to the citizens of Western nations that their governments, contrary to public claims, have been aiding and abetting the greatest sponsor of state terrorism in the world.

For years, these governments invoked the terror label to block the path of the Iranian Resistance movement.

We, however, proved that this Resistance is legitimate, just and supported by the Iranian people.

Citing the words of the British Parliamentarians, the UK Court emphasized that the PMOI's military activities against the Iranian regime had been the last resort to oppose tyranny and oppression.

The government had claimed to have classified documents which implicated the Resistance movement.

But, in this campaign, we shed light on the dark and secret chambers of classified documents to the point where the UK Court proclaimed that the classified documents ironically further vindicate the PMOI.

We pushed aside the thick curtain of lies, deception and demonization.

And today, we are proud that the suffering of our people and the members of our Resistance has led to such enlightenment and truth in the world.

Those in the West who conceive that fundamentalism only threatens the people of the Middle East and Muslim nations should glance at the history of these designations and fabrications. They will see how the mullahs ruling Iran have taken law, justice and democracy in important European countries hostage under the pretext of terrorism.

Indeed, how are those who acquiesce to a reactionary and murderous dictatorship, qualified to defend justice and law?

For this reason we say that the removal of the PMOI from the terror list not only opens the way to democratic change in Iran, but it also distances Western governments from a betrayal of democracy, justice and human rights. Removing this tag could mark an end to a chronic idiocy which has afflicted Western policy.

Indeed, after the ratification of both Houses of the British Parliament, new horizons loom.

Now, we must act to return Iran to the community of nations. But the first step must be to transform Iran from being the central banker of terrorism to the central banker of democracy and peace in this region of the world. And this would only be possible through changing the regime in power.

A nuclear-free Iran could be within reach now, but only after pushing back against religious fascism, namely the velayat-e faqih regime.

A peaceful Iran which values coexistence and peace with her neighbors instead of intervention and terrorism is possible, but in the course of a struggle to uproot religious dictatorship.

Indeed, the time has come.

And as the eminent author Victor Hugo has written, "There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come."

Indeed, the time has come to march forward and to triumph.

End of Part 2 of 9
