Iran: Maryam Rajavi’s speech in gathering of 70,000 Iranians in Paris – Part 1 of 9

Maryam Rajavi, head of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, reacts as she is applauded by supporters of the People's Mujahideen Organisation of Iran (PMOI), who have gathered from around Europe at a rally in Villepinte near Paris June 28, 2008. Tens of thousands of people attended the rally to call on the European Union and the U.S. to remove the terror label against the PMOI. REUTERS/Handout (FRANCE).Your gathering today, this roaring sea of humanity, represents the progress of the Iranian people towards achieving victory.
Here, today, the world sees in you and hears from you the voice of the Iranian people.

Part one of the text of speech by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of resistance of Iran (NCRI) in the gathering of more than 70,000 Iranian exiles in Paris on June 28, 2008:

Your gathering today, this roaring sea of humanity, represents the progress of the Iranian people towards achieving victory.
Here, today, the world sees in you and hears from you the voice of the Iranian people.

Part one of the text of speech by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of resistance of Iran (NCRI) in the gathering of more than 70,000 Iranian exiles in Paris on June 28, 2008: 


JUNE 28, 2008


In the name of God,

In the name of Iran,

In the name of Freedom

Greetings to the people of Iran,

Greetings to the students, workers, teachers, and courageous men and women who have rebelled against the mullahs' evil rule;

Greetings to Ashraf City, an inspiration to the women and youth of Iran who have risen up against this regime;

And I salute the 120,000 martyrs who have given their lives for the cause of Iran's freedom, from Ashraf Rajavi and Moussa Khiabani to Sedigheh Mojaveri, Neda Hassani and Hojjat Zamani.

Greetings to the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the sole democratic alternative to the ruling theocracy.

And greetings to Massoud Rajavi, who founded the resistance against the mullahs' regime,
And who will undoubtedly continue to guide our crisis-ridden homeland towards the shores of liberty.

I hail each and every one of you and your magnificent gathering which demonstrates the splendor of the Iranian people's resolve;

And I salute the elected representatives, and citizens of other countries, and human rights advocates who have come to the aid of the Iranian people.

Hail to all those who have arisen to overthrow the velayat-e faqih regime.

Eager and defiant we all stand
Onward to victory and freedom’s land
Onward to prosperity and
A proud anthem for our homeland: Victory

My fellow compatriots,

Your gathering today, this roaring sea of humanity, represents the progress of the Iranian people towards achieving victory.

Here, today, the world sees in you and hears from you the voice of the Iranian people.

An outcry that resonates across the globe,

An outcry that upsets the appeasers and the reactionaries.

The voice of 80 million Iranians who cry out loud: "The mullahs must go."

Yes, the mullahs must go.

“Every soul will know what it has brought.

[81:15]   I swear by the stars which appear in dark skies, shine and then run their course,

A shining that breaks the darkness that has overwhelmed the face of the Earth,

And I swear by the brilliant morning, which blows like a fresh breeze around the globe and heralds life, and certainly freedom.”

End of Part 1 of 9


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