Iran: Majority of French MPs favor proposals by Maryam Rajavi

NCRI – A declaration by 290 French MPs expressing support to a proposal by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, for democratic change in Iran was made public in a press conference at the French National Assembly yesterday.

A number of parliamentarians from Britain and the European Parliament also joined in solidarity with their colleagues at the French National Assembly in yesterday's press conference. Sid Ahmad Ghozali, former Prime Minister of Algeria was among the speakers.

NCRI – A declaration by 290 French MPs expressing support to a proposal by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, for democratic change in Iran was made public in a press conference at the French National Assembly yesterday.

A number of parliamentarians from Britain and the European Parliament also joined in solidarity with their colleagues at the French National Assembly in yesterday's press conference. Sid Ahmad Ghozali, former Prime Minister of Algeria was among the speakers.

The French deputies presented a copy of the declaration signed by the majority of the French parliamentarians to Mrs. Rajavi at the conference. The following is a press release by two French deputies; Mr. Jean-Pierre Brard and Mr. Jean-Philippe Maurer:

Press Release
French National Assembly

The Majority of French MPs favor proposals by the National Council of Resistance of Iran led by Maryam Rajavi.

The French people and the majority of the members of the French National Assembly from various political affiliations are deeply affected by the deteriorating violation of Human Rights in Iran, such as public hangings, execution of youth, and mass arrests of youth and women, arbitrary arrests and prosecution of all kinds are on the rise.

In this context, the proposals for peace and stability in the Middle East presented by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its president elect Maryam Rajavi has gained our attention and support. These proposals reject both war and the policy of appeasement as solutions to the Iranian crisis and favor the third option; "Democratic change by the people of Iran and their organized resistance."

The European Union must adopt a firm policy instead of pursuing the policy of appeasement toward Tehran. This is how a democratic change could be achieved in that country. Various pressures and restrictions imposed against the opposition, has been the inseparable part of the appeasement policy, making democratic change even more difficult.

This morning, in a conference at the National Assembly, the parliamentarians recalled that despite "resolutions by the UN Security Council, the Iranian Regime continues its nuclear weapons program and refuses to suspend its uranium enrichment." The parliamentarians added that "the meddling of Tehran to create a proxy fundamentalist regime in Iraq, has reached an unprecedented level. Iran has pushed the region to the brink of explosion by increasing its interventions in Lebanon, in Palestinian territories, in Afghanistan, and providing weapons and money to terrorist groups."

In such a circumstance, and like 35 of their British colleagues who filed successfully, a complaint calling for the removal of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) [MEK] from the list of terrorist organizations, a majority of French deputies, from various factions, have signed with us, the statement for a democratic change in Iran.

In a statement by Jean-Pierre Brard (GDR, Seine-St-Denis), Gerard Charasse (app. SRC, Allier), Jean-Philippe Maurer (UMP, Bas-Rhin) and Pascal Terrace (CBC, Ardèche) which is also signed by a majority of deputies from all political parties expressed concern about "terrifying violations of human rights in Iran, such as public hangings, executions of youths and mass arrests of young people and women."

At the conference, Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, warmly thanked the French deputies and said: "This statement is a manifesto to prevent religious fascism from obtaining the nuclear bomb, to counter spread of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism, and to prevent a new war in the region." She added: "France bears a heavy responsibility as the president of the European Union. France is faced with a choice. The continuation of the policy of appeasement and surrender to the religious fascism agreeing to the mullahs to be armed with the nuclear bomb, On the one hand, and the leadership of the European countries respecting the rule of law and in line with that removing obstacles on the path of the resistance and by supporting a democratic change in Iran, adopting a firm policy against the mullahs, on the other."

We believe that the time has come for France to propose the withdrawal of PMOI [MEK] from the EU's terrorist list. We will pursue this, particularly under the French presidency of the European Union.

Jean-Pierre BRARD, Deputy for the Seine-Saint-Denis
Jean-Philippe MAURER, Deputy for Bas-Rhin

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