Iran: Larijani brought his terrorist cronies with him to new Majlis



Ali LarijaniBy: Reza Shafa
Ali Larijani, long time mullahs' top negotiator in the nuclear stand-off with the West and former representative of the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's in the regime's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), has now been elevated to the Majlis' (parliament) new speaker. Larijani himself a veteran Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander has a habit of working with his own team of security cronies since he headed the state television.

Brig. Gen. Mohammad Jafari Sahrarodi as Larijani's secretary
His new secretary in the parliament is a familiar face in the terror circles. He is none other than Brig. Gen. Mohammad Jafari Sahrarodi a top grade terrorist with credentials in the field of international terrorism most outstanding the 1989 assassination of Abdul Raman Qassemlou, former general secretary of the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran in Vienna.

He commanded the lead team in the operation with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, current mullahs' president, as the head of the backup team in case Sahrarodi failed to carryout the planned mission to murder the Kurdish leader and his confidants. Austrian police wounded and later arrested him when Afshine Alavi from the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in a press conference in Paris revealed his true identity and his alias Rahimi. At the time Gen. Sahrarodi was the commander of Ramadan Garrison, in charge of operations in Iraq. Ahmadinejad was under his command and headed a special operations' team in Ramadan.

Subsequently, on August 6, 1992, a new plan was drawn to assassinate Qassemlou's successor Sadeq Sharafkandi in Mykonos Cafe Restaurant in Berlin. Former mullahs' president Ali Akbar Heshemi Rafsanjani, Brig. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, current Qods Force commander and Sahrarodi took part in the decision making process. 
Khamenei had assigned Sahrarodi to another special mission to assassinate the leader of the Iranian Resistance Mr. Massoud Rajavi in Iraq in the spring of 2003. The plan failed and Sahrarodi returned to Tehran.
His last official position, prior to appointment by Larijani, was the SNSC's head of internal security. 

Brig. Gen. Ghafour Darjazi the new head of security for the Majlis

His record of service in the mullahs' regime extents as far back as the Ramadan Garrison and working with his good bodies Sahrarodi, Soleimani, Ahmadinejad and joint terrorist operations with them especially in Iraq. Darjazi over the years and before the former Iraqi government's fall in 2003, along with Sahrarodi, served as a liaison officer with the Iraqis such as the Bader Brigade and the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (redirected from Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq) among others.

In the Vienna assassination of 1989, according to the Austrian police, there was another individual arrested with Sahrarodi. A man identified as Mansour Bozorgian. The alias Brig. Gen. Darjazi used while on assassination missions abroad.

Larijani appears not to have forgotten to bring with him his old days cronies to Majlis. What he is planning to do in his new position as the speaker of parliament remains to be the question. Something is certain that he cannot part from his past as a real IRGC brigadier general. With his comments just came out on June 18, threatening the US and others in Iraq not to reckon with the mullahs in the nuclear dossier, it would not be so difficult to conclude what his intentions might be.

Reza Shafa is an expert on the Iranian regime's Intelligence networks, both in Iran and abroad.
He has done extensive research on Iranian Ministry of Information and Security (MOIS) also known as VEVAK, Intelligence Office of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and Qods Force among others. Currently he is a contributor to NCRI website

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